Chapter Two- They are not winning me over with a settee.

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I had no idea who 'the big guy' was nor did I know what 'the job' was but I certainly did not want to find out.

I turnt on my heel and began running away. I thought, no I hoped, that 'Chris' would be lazy and turn back to his spooky van. But no. He just had to follow me.

I knew this guy worked out and he looked like the type of guy who could catch up with me in an instant so I pushed myself to the limit and ran... and ran... and ran until the footsteps behind me faded and I stopped running. Regretting that decision I was tackled to the ground and he was on top of me holding my wrists down in seconds.

"Listen sweets, I'm not going to hurt you so just stop struggling." He said in between breaths.


"That's what they say in the movies!" I squeaked kicking him square in the boys area. He rolled of off me immediately and his face turnt bright red with pain.

"Sorry!" I called before I ran and ran and ran, again.

I finally stopped running and tried to catch my breath again.

I was definitely no Olympic runner hence why I felt dizzy and numb all over and I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest. I knew I was going to pass out and I just wanted to get to my bed and lock myself away from anyone. I decided it was best if I sat down so I began looking round for a bench.

Not the best thing to do when some stalker is coming after you.

I couldn't find a bench anywhere and then realized I had no idea where I was going and I was completely lost.

Note to self; don't stop to check out guys in vans. You'll end up lost, out of breath and being chased by a stalker.

I groaned to myself and heard someone walking behind me. I ignored it because I was sure I could my house in the distance.

I ran for it and began pounding on the door.

"MUM! DAD! LET ME IN!" I screamed punching my fists again the wooden door. Trust me to forget my key.

"Shit" I mumbled turning round and walking forwards and looking everywhere for help.

Then I spotted it.

The black van.

"Ugh fuck." I said clutching my head.

I felt hot breath on my neck and went to scream but the hand in front of my mouth stopped anything being heard. My breath hitched in my throat and I felt something pointy touch my neck. My legs began to give way and I felt the ground beneath my back and the last thing I heard before I blacked out?

My mum asking who was there.

XX (still story just a gap in time) XX

I woke up in a white room with a groan and pain, everywhere. I tried to sit up to see where I was but instantly regretted it and sat back down as my rib cage felt pain like I can't even explain.

Oh shit.

Where the heck am I?

I lay back and closed my eyes trying to remember last night.

Walking home.

Black van.

Fit boy.


Kidnap... Oh even bigger shit.

Someone else groaned and mumbled what sounded like

"Oh bum holes."

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