Chapter One- That ass-faced Twatwaffle.

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On my 16th Birthday there were three things I did not expect to happen.

1. I did not expect my crush to turn up to have a 'talk' with me.

2. I certainly didn't expect to get a cake made of M&M's and Kit-Kat's.

3. I definitely didn't expect to be kidnapped by a 17 year old in an assassination agency.

Okay. So the second one's a lie considering I saw the cake in the kitchen that morning but the other two are completely true. I remember exactly how that day went and how quickly it changed my life.

It all began at 7:43am when my obnoxious little brother came bouncing into my room screaming "Emma! Mums doing bacon and won't let me have some unless your up and ready so get your fat butt out of bed." Obviously it was the best 'happy birthday' message I received all day.

After that the day sped past pretty quickly I opened my presents said thank you with a fake smile plastered on my face way too much and spent the rest of the day in my pyjamas watching TV.

This is where the first thing I didn't expect came in.

The doorbell went and I let out an annoyed grunt and got up to answer the door considering the rest of my house were lazier than sloths.

"Hey, I'm not looking to buy anything so-Oh, Umm Drake?" I asked looking up as I opened the door.

Drake was the typical 'bad boy', the good looks included and I had had a huge crush on him since he pushed me in the pond in nursery.

"Hey Emma. I need to talk to you." He said and I cringed to myself. That did not sound good.

"Um, Okay" I nodded and continued to stand in the doorway. I looked outside and realised the once sunny sky was now clouded over, droplets of rain coming out as fast as Usain Bolt.

"Oh, Come in" I mumbled motioning for Drake to come in who was currently looking at me with an irritated expression plastered on his face. This was going to be a heck of a lot worse than it sounded.

We headed into the living room and I looked at my older brother, Jason with a pleading expression. Him and my younger brother were the only ones in there as my mum and dad were in the kitchen exchanging saliva. I know, disgusting.

"Lets go play Spiderman Dan." He said with a sigh heading out of the living room with Dan, my younger brother, hot on his trail. I gave Jason a small smile as he shut the door behind him. I sat down on the settee cross legged and only just realised I was a mess. I hadn't put any make up on today and my hair had almost completely fallen out of its messy bun. I was still wearing my pyjamas which consisted of a white tank top and blue short shorts considering it was hot and my pink pig slippers. Not exactly the best outfit to wear when your crush of 12 years is currently sat in front of you after telling you he needed to 'talk' to you.

"So, whats up?" I asked biting my lip and fiddling with the strings on my shorts. Smooth Emma. Real Smooth.

"Um. Well I wanted to talk to you about our... relationship." He started but it sounded more like a question. Oh my god, maybe this isn't as bad as I thought! Maybe,This is it. Maybe he's finally going to ask me out!

I nodded gesturing for him to carry on. I was playing it cool on the outside but on the inside I was having my own mini party.

"Your making my girlfriend feel uncomfortable" I think I just got stabbed in the heart. "All the weird stares and stuff your sending me are creeping us both out and putting our relationship at risk. I don't like you okay" and again "I think your weird" and again "nerdy" and again "unpopular" and again "Annoying" and again "Ugly" and again "And a brat." And finally, again. "So just stop looking at me" Oh no, wait, he's not done. Why don't I just curl up and die? "Stop talking to me and go to back your nerdy life you creepy stalker." He finished. I bit my lip to stop myself from bursting into tears and stood up.

"I can't believe you. You have the nerve to come and break my heart on my birthday. I can't believe I spent 12 years of my life thinking that I would be the perfect girl for you and we'd get married and have kids! Get out of my house you, you Ungrateful ass face!" I screamed.

Here comes the second unexpected event.

This was the moment my mum choose to bring my cake and in and sing happy birthday to me. I spent the entire time my family were singing glaring at Drake. That ass faced twatwaffle. I cannot believe he had the nerve to do that to me.

"Make a wish!" My mum called enthusiasm laced in her voice. So I did. I made a wish. Now I can't tell you what it was, that would spoil the magic. I can, however tell you that it was to do with having a better life.

"Napkins!" I screamed jumping up as my mum began to cut the cake. everyone turned to look at me frowing. "We need napkins to hand the cake out! I'll go get some!" I shouted running to grab my coat.

"Emma, It's 9:30, there is no way in hell I'm letting you walk to the shop!" My mum called I responded to her by slamming the door and running as far and as fast as I could. Now there was no-way I was running away, I just needed some time to... think.


I had been running for an hour and a half and was currently frozen cold due to the fact I was wearing my hoodless coat and pyjamas and it was currently hammering down with rain. I had run away to clear my thoughts but in the end I couldn't think about anything other than Drake. Drake the stupid jerk face who called me all kinds of names on my birthday! I can't believe-

I stopped my train of thoughts and spun around as I heard the sound of a car pulling up behind me and spotted a black van. I then turned back to where I was walking and noticed I was in a woods. With not a single house or person to hear me screaming and it was currently very late and very dark. Someone hoped out of the van and the stupid part of me decided to stop and stare at him. He was good looking, Short brown hair, long enough at the top to spike which he had done, and boy did it look good on him, brown eyes and a short sleeved black shirt which clung to his muscle's, he looked around 17 and he wasn't my type, but I definitely approved.

Stop crushing on him Emma! He might come and kill you!

He smirked at me and fear took over my body. I immediately fastened my footsteps and began speed walking home.

"Excuse me mam." Someone -who I'm guessing is the guy from the van- called but I didn't turn round to look.

"Emma Davis." They spoke again, and this time I froze in fear, slowing turning round.

"H-How-d-do you k-know my n-name?" I stuttered, my jaw shaking in fear.

"Oh, I know more than your name sweets." He cooed.


My mind began screaming franticly at me but I couldn't move.

"W-who-w-what do you w-want?" I continued.


His eye's ran over me, as if checking me out and then he smirked.

"I'm Christopher and I want you darling. The big guy thinks your perfect for the job."


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