Sprout x Cosmo (2)

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Two people (I think) requested for more of this ship (I would do the same)

"Sprout." Teagan calls his name. "Yeah?"

"Would you like to join in today's tea party?" Teagan asks. "No thanks." Sprout shakes his head. "Cosmo agreed to join in. He's there." Teagan says, knowing that he'll definitely agree. "...I guess I'll join!" Sprout nods his head, glad that Cosmo is there.

"Sprout is here." Teagan reveals Sprout behind the door. "Sprout!" Cosmo exclaims. "Cosmo!" They both hug each other. "Hi, Sprout!!" Toodles greets him. "Oh! Hello, Toodles." Sprout smiles, patting her head gently. "Now that everyone is here, let's start." Teagan sits down on her chair, Sprout doing the same as Teagan pours tea in everybody's cup.

"Am I late?" Rodger comes in the room. "Not at all, dear. You're just in time." Teagan responds. "That's good to hear." Rodger sits down next to Teagan and Toodles. "Why, hello Sprout and Cosmo!" Rodger greets them. "Hi, Rodger." Sprout says. "Hello.." Cosmo also says. "Hey, what about me!!" Toodles whines. "And hello to you too, Toodles." Rodger rubs her back. "Yay! Hi, Rodger!" Toodles grins.

"We actually have some dessert as well." Teagan stands up from her chair, getting the desserts. "Ooh, desserts!" Toodles licks her lips, craving for some already. "Eating a little would be nice." Cosmo smiles. Teagan comes back with desserts, placing them on the table. Toodles was just about to get one until Rodger stopped her. "Be patient, young lady." Rodger chuckles, Toodles pouting while crossing her arms.

A minute later, everyone started eating and drinking their tea. Toodles ate aggressively as if she has never eaten in years. "This is delicious!" Sprout exclaims. "Yeah!" Cosmo says too. "I'm glad you like it." Teagan smiles, cleaning her mouth. Cosmo was just about to take another bite until Toodles suddenly shook the table, making Cosmo drop his food right on his hood.

"Oh, man.." Cosmo gets rid of the food, only the stain left on his clothing. "Toodles!" Rodger scolds. "I'm sorry!" Toodles whines again. "It's alright. I can clean this up." Cosmo shakes his head. "I can help you." Sprout says. "Thanks." Cosmo blushes. "Of course!" Sprout smiles.

"You guys are GAY!" Toodles says out of nowhere. "Wha- where have you learn that word?!" Sprout turns to face her. "YouTube Shorts!" Toodles answers proudly. "...Okay.. We're not gay, Toodles. Alright? It's just what friends do!" Sprout explains to her. Cosmo also frowning a little bit. "Hmm.. Suspicious strawberry!" Toodles narrows her eyes.
"I'm not lying." Sprout facepalms. "Don't mind her.. Just go and help Cosmo." Teagan says softly.

Sprout and Cosmo goes somewhere else while Rodger and Teagan deals with Toodles.

After 6 minutes, Sprout and Cosmo both come back with Cosmo having a clean shirt. "How kind of you to help Cosmo." Teagan says to Sprout. "Why wouldn't I?" Sprout smiles, sitting back on his chair. "Thanks, Sprout." Cosmo thanks him. "No problem!"

"Let's start eating again." Rodger says, everyone continuing to eat.

After everything was finished, everyone walked out of the room as they said their goodbyes. "Bye!! I'm really hoping we can do this again sometime!" Toodles skips away. "We will!" Teagan says. "Bye, Teagan. It was nice." Cosmo smiles. "Bye, Cosmo. Take care." Teagan waves. "It was also nice! Bye!" Sprout also says, even though it was only nice because Cosmo was there. Teagan knew it. "Bye, Sprout."

While Cosmo was walking down the hall, he could hear footsteps coming his way, turning around as he sees Sprout approaching him. "Sprout?" Cosmo tilts his head slightly. "Cosmo! Do you wanna do something together?" Sprout asks him. "Yeah, sure! I don't really have anything to do anyway." Cosmo says, slightly blushing.

"Okay." Sprout pats his shoulder, leading him somewhere else. "Where are we going?" Cosmo questions. "My room! We could bake something together.. Or anything! Literally!" Sprout answers him. He seemed excited. "Hmm.. Alright."

When they arrived to Sprout's room, Cosmo sat on the couch gently, Sprout also sitting next to him.
"I like your room." Cosmo compliments out of nowhere, earning a blush from Sprout. "Ah- Thank you." Sprout thanks awkwardly. "So.. Movies?" Cosmo asks. "Yeah. Movies it is then." Sprout nods his head, turning on the television.

While they were watching, Cosmo could feel Sprout's hand touching his a little. He was thinking that Sprout wouldn't mind if he just held his hand right there. So he did. And Sprout didn't let go. Both turning red, smiling while watching the movie. "Cosmo.." Sprout speaks.

"Hm? Yeah?" Cosmo looks at him. "I wanna say something.. Hopefully this won't ruin our friendship." Sprout inhales deeply. "Uh? Is it bad?.." Cosmo asks, worrying a little bit. "No! I mean.. Depends." Sprout says nervously. "Just say it.." Cosmo holds his hand tighter. Sprout sighs before saying:

"I love you."

He said it way too quietly so Cosmo didn't really hear it well. "What did you say?" Cosmo goes nearer, Sprout turning even more red. "I said- I love you!" Sprout confesses louder, receiving a gasp from Cosmo. This made Sprout more nervous, thinking that he'll get rejected.

"What if I just say.." Cosmo says before continuing. "That I love you too!" Cosmo giggles, Sprout's eyes widening, smiling widely with blush spreading all over his face. "Oh my! Really?! Eeekkkk!!" Sprout squeals, going insane. "Yes really." Cosmo smiles before pulling Sprout into a soft kiss, Sprout returning the kiss before they eventually pulled away.

"I love you!" Cosmo says. "Love you more!" Sprout giggles.

Rejected Version

"Cosmo.." Sprout speaks.

"Hm? Yeah?" Cosmo looks at him. "I wanna say something.. Hopefully this won't ruin our friendship." Sprout inhales deeply. "Uh? Is it bad?.." Cosmo asks, worrying a little bit. "No! I mean.. Depends." Sprout says nervously. "Just say it.." Cosmo says. Sprout sighs before saying:

"I love you."

Cosmo's eyes widen, his mouth hung open. Having no idea what to say. Sprout waits for a response but all he gets is silence, making him even more nervous. "Uh-" "I'm sorry." Cosmo cuts him off. "What? What do you mean by that?" Sprout frowns. "I don't feel the same way as you do." Cosmo looks away. "Oh.. I see.." Sprout says upsettingly, trying really hard to not tear up in front of him.

"We can still be friends.. Right?" Sprout asks, at least hoping their friendship is still going. "Yeah.. I guess." Cosmo scratches the back of his head, Sprout having no clue what he meant by: "I guess."

Cosmo takes the remote, pausing the movie as he gets up from the couch. "Where are you going?" Sprout asks. "I'm gonna leave. I'll.. Uh... See you later?.." Cosmo replies, now awkward with Sprout. His own best friend. Sprout obviously hurt that he's leaving. "Oh. Okay. Bye." Sprout does a small wave, Cosmo closing the door before Sprout broke into tears.

"I should've just kept my feelings to myself.."

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