How I remember you - Kakashi

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I still remember the night I saved you from those thugs.

When I first saw you, I couldn't feel my ground

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When I first saw you, I couldn't feel my ground. Your face looked pale, there were wounds at multiple places on your body. Blood was gushing from your both hands. You didn't respond when I called your name. Worry started to take over me when I saw you that way.

But when you finally spoke, you started apologizing for the situation. You didn't get into this by yourself. But you still felt sorry for it. Why do you do it? Why do you take all the blame on you? I thought to myself.

I tried to hold you close to inspect other injuries. The moment you winced when I touched your face, I felt blood rushing through all my nerves. At that moment I just wanted to kill each one of them who did this to you.

When I lost my senses for a moment & took the blow, I asked you to hide so that I could finish them off. But when you yelled my name without knowing that I used Substitution Jutsu, I knew I had to hurry up so that they won't get to you.

I didn't want to use chidori in front of you, but at that moment it was the fastest way to protect you from them. I attacked them and once I've made sure they have fallen down to ground, I walked towards you. But what I saw that day, I don't think I'll ever forget that sight.

The look on your face showed how scared you were, and you were scared of me more than of those thugs. You were holding yourself tightly in your arms as a reaction out of sheer fear from me.

I didn't know how to calm you down.

Although I had raging anger, to the extreme point that I have ever faced in my life, as they laid their filthy hands and harmed the most precious person to me, you. I wanted to rip them apart & tear their skin into hairlike strands then and there, but I couldn't traumatize you more. So I walked slowly towards you and used my energy to the maximum to maintain my calm.

The moment when I hold your arms and gently lifted you up from the ground, I think you felt that I'm not a monster and you could feel some warmth. The moment when you slowly approached towards me and put your head on my shoulder and your hands on my vest, I knew you were trying to hug someone because you felt relived slightly that you were alive.

But you were scared to death & scared of me so you just held my vest and not me.

I wanted to hug you in the warmest way I could ever. But I did not want to scare you further so I gently hold your shoulder and placed my hand on your head.

Although your eyes were still red with tears flowing, you managed to control yourself after few moments. I took you to the hospital and told you that I'll hand those thugs to the Hokage, Tsunade sama.

But I didn't share this with anyone up until now. I went back and killed each one of them with my bear hands like a beast. I couldn't let my rage calm down in any other way. This still didn't seem the ultimatum to them for harming you.

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