Chapter twenty six

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I was falling.
Opening my eyes, I found... red.
Everything was red.
I crashed into something.
Surprisingly, it wasn't painful, just kind of annoying.
Growling, I rolled off of a dumpster and crashed onto the ground.
Okay, what was this and why was everything this way?
I stood up straight, getting light headed.
Reaching out, I leaned on a wall.
Looking up, I found an alley.
And noise.
I could hear everything.
Everything was loud and big and nothing like New Orleans.
Where the fuck was I?!
I heaved a sigh and realized everything felt smaller.
Something dropped out of my hand.
I looked down and found a stick, with a... radio?
Slowly, I picked it up. "what are you?" I knew it was pointless, but I still continued to mutter to it.
black and red, It had a small microphone? recorder?
Something about it felt homely.
I smiled.
Where did I even get it?
I stood straight and started walking, poking my head out of the end of the alley.
Creatures, everywhere.
Not humans no, demons.
I looked at the sky.
Where was... OH.
I whipped my head down to look at myself.
I was also in red.
I kinda liked it though...
Hmm, the coat wasn't bad...
I stumbled back a little.
Oh, wait, I used gloves.
Laughing, I pulled them off.
Bad Idea.
Very bad idea.
Indeed, I still had weird hands.
Almost like... claws?
I stretched them out.
Nope, they were my own.
Well, that was odd.
Suddenly I looked up.
If everyone else was weird looking... and this was hell.... did.... was... was I a demon too?
I needed to find a mirror and quick.
I tripped and stumbled through the streets, not really knowing what to do with myself.
Although, I did manage to kill a hell ton of people who tried to touch me, kill me, talk to me.
I figured, what use could a demon have to me?
I walked past a store front and looked into the glass.
Not doin that today!
Trying my best not to gag, I walked to the side of a shiny truck that had been rolled over.
I didn't... didn't look... look anything like a human now.
I tilted my head, nope the reflection turned with me.
Were those... ears?
Hold up-
Did I have red eyes?!
The hell...?
Ohhhhhhhh, the ears were why I could hear everything....
I laughed to myself but stopped, opening my mouth again.
Were those mine?
I reached up and ran a finger over my teeth, cutting myself.
Was this what I got for eating people all my life?
Why was I a deer?
I had so many questions...
Reaching up, I touched my said ears.
Fuck? ... why were they so soft?
I tilted my head, though, to be fair, if I smiled of all things, I was pretty intimidating.
I straightened my coat, looking again at myself.
Well, if this was how things were going to be, maybe I should get my shit together and go kill something.
After all, this was hell, and if I was going to survive, I needed to rise to the top of the food chain and fast.
So I continued, trying to figure out where I would be living for the next... uh forever.

Really, I didn't know how long I'd been here.
I'd figured out I had powers, apparently.
I killed some people, tried to do the right thing and assert as much dominance as I could so no one would kill me.
Because the standards here were kill or be killed.
Currently, I was walking down the street, trying to figure out what all the screaming was about.
My surroundings started to change and I saw a lot more... old style people.
Well not old... just... more like 1800's people.
And a crowd, that's where the screaming was coming from.
As I neared, everything was bloody, tore open body's lay everywhere.
And I could have sworn someone was watching the crowd while eating one of said body's.
"WHO ELSE DARES TO TOUCH ME?! HMM?!" A female voice screamed from the middle.
I smiled. What on earth was going on here?
I pushed myself towards the center, half of the people moving and half of them not.
In the middle, a woman stood over a mauled body, knife in hand and blood dripping from her mouth. "ANYONE ELSE?!"
All people moved back.
And that's when I noticed they were all the same, old style clothing and pitch black eyes.
No pupils, just... black.
Including our screaming maiden.
Her teeth were covered in blood as she sneered to everyone. "And this is what happens to any man who tries to tell me what to do, does everyone understand that?!"
What happened next, was not my fault.
Someone shifted behind me, and I tripped on a skirt, stumbling forwards to catch myself.
I looked up and found the woman looking at me in disgust. "Oh! So someone didn't see the body I'm standing on."
Aghhhh shit.
I stood straight, planting my microphone on the ground. "I have no intent on becoming a body, ma'am."
She hopped off it and stood in front of me, going way past getting inside my personal space to stare me down.
I looked back.
She snorted. "Well, guess what sherlock, I am the leader here, so get out of my district or be eaten."
I laughed. "My dear, don't go there, I have killed more than you could eat."
The scowl vanished from her face. "What... what did you just say?"
I took a step back, taking in her now thoughtful eyes. "I said I have killed more than you-"
She followed me and looked at me again. "No no no! Not that, what did you say before that?"
I glanced back and forth, trying to decide if now was a good time to run. "My dear?"
One tear slipped down her face and she tackled me with a hug. "It's you! oh my god, I-I-I didn't think I'd ever see you again!"
I stumbled to keep us both off the ground and pinned my ears back. "Who are you?"
The woman looked up. "Rosie, don't you remember?"
And it clicked.
Just like that.
She laughed. "Yes yes yes! It's me!"
I held her back and looked at her.
Of course it was Rosie, how had I missed it?
I hugged her tighter.
She smiled and buried her face in my chest. "Hmhhmhmh!"
I ran my hand through her hair. "I-I your here? How- are you alright?!"
She nodded. "I'm okay now."
Rosie looked up and laughed. "You look so much different!" she continued to giggle. "You have ears!"
I just hugged her, setting my chin on her shoulder. "That I do..."
My Rosie was here in hell, and I was here in hell.
I felt her tears wetting the shoulder of my jacket. "Alastor... I-I didn't think I'd ever see you again.."
I pulled her ever so much closer. "I know my doll, I know."
My own tears of joy welled and fell onto the pavement.
Rosie pulled back. "Alastor... I-I can... would.... can I kiss you?"
I laughed. "Rosie darling, you can always-"
She cut me off by grabbing my jacket and yanking me to herself, pulling me into a kiss that she poured her soul into.
So I did nothing other than pour in my own soul in too.
I never thought I would kiss her again.
Yet here we stand.
Lovely how the universe works, Isn't it?

The end~

The end~

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I love yall so much for reading this through. 
Thank you and I really hope it saticefied your needs and wants! 
My heart just burst at every comment, every vote. 
Thank you all so much! My job would be so bland without you! 
If yall have any questions, leave them in the comments and I would be absolutely so happy to answer them!
Thank you and Good Night!

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