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Finn left me on that bridge.

He left me on that bridge to think.

To ponder.

To contemplate.

And to reflect.

He left me on the bridge to consider everything I had done. He tried helping me to get out of the state I was in.

But it didn't work.

I still felt as if I had killed her. I still felt like I had killed that girl.

I stared at the water below wondering if I should jump. Wondering is my life was worth to live.

Hers was more important than mine.

I was just some jerk who played football. High school being my peaking moment of my life, and then the rest of my life would just be working at a gas station, because that's all I could do.

But she had things going for her. She actually had a purpose for living, she could provide to society.

But now she'll never have the chance to do so.

All because of my fucking stupid ass.

I placed my hands on the railing of the bridge, and let my hair fall over my eyes. I took in a breath and prepared to jump.

I tried lifting myself over, but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do what I knew I deserved. I just couldn't do it.

And I hated that.

I hated myself for not being able to do it.

I felt tears starting to run down my face, dripping into the water I should be in below.

I turn away from the railing and let my back slide down the side, sitting down on the wet ground. I placed my head in my hands, letting myself cry and cry.

What was wrong with me?

Why did I do this? I don't deserve to live. I heard the steps of someone coming towards me. I looked at the feet of the person, they were wearing Dr. Martens that seemed pretty beaten up.

"You didn't even know her, why are you so depressed about this?" I heard the voice say, a girls voice.

Not looking up I said, still shaking and crying, "I fucking killed her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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