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I looked out the window as Finn pulled the car off to the side of the road, right next to the George Washington Bridge.

"Why are we here?" I asked him as he got, out of the car pulling a beanie over his head.

"I said you'll see." He came over to the other side of the car and gestured for me to follow him. He began to walk towards the bridge, which made no sense whatsoever. What the fuck would he want me to see on a bridge?

We continued to walk without talking to each other, getting glances from people in the cars probably wondering why two teenage guys would be walking on the bridge at three in the morning. I was wondering the same exact thing.

Finn stopped at the halfway mark on the bridge and began to look down at the water. I looked at him and he seemed so content on the water, probably wondering what lied in the darkness.

"So what are we doing here...?" I asked him.



"I told you to jump."

"Why would I do that...?"

"Why wouldn't you do that?"

"I don't wanna die," I told him. "And since when do you wanna die either?"

"I'm not here for myself, I'm here for you."

"That makes no sense, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"If you don't wanna die, why aren't you trying to live your goddamn life?"


"You are literally throwing your life away right now. You spend all of your time in your room, secluded from the world. You're also probably going to have to repeat this grade, because you haven't been to school for three fucking months. Nobody at school knows where you are, if you don't go back you'll always be known as the guy who disappeared right after he made some girl commit suicide. You're not living. And if you don't wanna die, why don't you just start living already?" Finn spat at me. I just stared at him, unable to say anything.


"You know what, just do whatever you fucking want! Go die alone in your room if you want to or just take my advice! I'm done with you!" he yelled as he turned and stomped back to the car. I just continued to stand there, looking down at the water wondering if my life was really worth living.




sorry I haven't updated in a while- I'm still finishing up school, and there's only like a week left, so then I'll be able to write more

and about the short chapters- I think this story is just gonna have short chapters so yeahhhhhhhh


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