School Burned Down!

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Me and my best friend Eliza sit in my bedroom, halfway through a great sleepover. Suddenly a whooshing noise fills the air, and we run to the window.

Before us is a magical sight. Our school towers above my house, engulfed in flames. Bright orange light licks the windows and a steady plume of smoke billows from the top of the building.

Eliza and I are ecstatic- no more school!

We watch as the bearded woman from The Greatest Showman flees from the school, terrified. She runs down the road, through my garden gate, and onto the grass.

We watch in shock and confusion as the woman, teary-eyed, begins singing in her deep, powerful voice. It echoes through the darkness.

For a while, her song is the only noise that fills the sleeping street other than the crackling of flames. But slowly, my neighbours begin sticking their heads out of their upper-floor windows, and joining in.

Me and Eliza follow suit, singing this strange song.

 Eventually the entire road is filled with voices, all eyes focused on the bearded woman, completely ignoring the slowly crumbling school behind her...

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