Chapter 1: Divergence

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"But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

- Genesis 3:3-5

Even with the embrace of a glowing red sun, the star system laid silent. Enormous titans of planets revolved dormantly, their sluggish paces showing indifference.

Until, the dark silent skies were cut open by a beam of heavenly light, turning the system alive, tearing apart the sanctity of the thread of planet as holes were being burnt into the tapestry.

A congregation of gleaming white starships entered into the territory, causing their inhuman counterparts to lunge towards them.

Yet the ships had blared their trumpets, unleashing flashes of light that roared to their ungodly targets as they sent them to depths of hell where they belonged.

The creatures cried out to their brethren, yet there was no one to help them as they screamed out, with no one to hear their cries, or at the very least care as their screams cut silent as it was swallowed into a glowing blue blast. Scratch one.

One of the largest of the ships, shifted her gleaming trumpets to her next target with a mechanical whir, and poured into it the eternal flame of stars held in her soul. It met the same unavoidable fate as it’s dark chitin skin was no match. Another scratch in the hull.

The rest of the pack immediately fled, pride and any notion of invincibility burned away from the eternal flame of vengeance held by the species they were ordered to exterminate.

The two largest ships steadied their bows as they aimed for the fleeing pack, and fired, their arrows roaring across interstellar space, intent on eliminating their targets.

They watched as their targets flee in desperation into the dark confines of empty space, yet the glowing bright lights found them all the same.

“Multiple impacts,” the tactical officer announced. “FO reports impacts on ten bogeys. One Orion missed.”

Inside the Battlecarrier's CIC was methodical,  whispers and recitation of orders, as each men and women were glued to their screens as they examined the data of the battlespace laid out on them intently, as like the older man in front of him did.

His ashen hair was more than all of the years of the young officers combined, yet his eyes still burned with embers, years of that fire burning within him as bright as the nuclear hellfire on his optics that relfected on his dark skin. He chuckled bitterly, seeing himself pissing on his station as the titan ship peered into his soul past the blasts of nuclear detonations a lifetime ago.

A voice shook him awake. He turned, seeing the wrinkled face of Mexico City's CO.

“General Oakley. Sir, All Lanky targets in the tactical Battlespace have been neutralized. Finally drove the bastards out of our colony.”

General, huh. Oakley still remembered that the old term was Admiral. It was hard to mould something already hardened in him.

“Twenty Years too late, Lawson. Inform Wichita and Helena to scan a 2 AU radius around Vinland.”

“Aye, sir.”

He gave a enthusiastic salute, as he was infected by the estatic nature around him, as each member on the CIC broke into smiles by the periodic reports of Seedships sunk.

The older man sighed, seeing the mood never got to him.

It isn’t Operation Invictus.

He should be happy. He tried to remember the last time he was here. An Evacuation.

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