Chapter Five

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The four guardians strode through the gleaming white gates of Azoren's capital city, their armor glinting in the warm afternoon sunlight. The bustling streets were filled with the lively chatter of merchants hawking their wares, the laughter of children at play, and the clanging of hammers from the blacksmiths' forges. The air was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked bread and roasting meats, mingling with the sweet perfume of exotic spices and blooming flowers.

As they made their way towards the palace, citizens paused to stare in awe and admiration, whispering excitedly amongst themselves. Children pointed and waved, their eyes wide with hero worship. Sebastian led the way, his chiseled features set in a stoic expression, but his blue eyes sparkled with humble pride at the adoration of the people he had sworn to protect.

The palace loomed ahead, its soaring towers and graceful spires piercing the cloudless sky. The massive oak doors swung open soundlessly as they approached, revealing the opulent grandeur within.

They strode through the echoing halls, their footsteps muffled by rich carpets woven with gold and silver thread. Courtiers in sumptuous silks and velvets bowed and curtsied as they passed, their faces alight with curiosity and respect. At last, they reached the throne room, where the king awaited them, seated upon a throne of polished marble inlaid with glittering gems.

The guardians knelt before their liege, their heads bowed in deference. The king regarded them with a mixture of concern and affection, his aged face lined with the cares of rulership.

"Rise, my faithful guardians," he said, his voice resonant and strong despite his years. "Tell me of your journey. Were you able to thwart the necromancer's dark magic?"

Sebastian stood, his armor clinking softly as he faced his king. "Your Majesty," he began, his deep voice filled with regret, "I am afraid the necromancer eluded us. We were able to destroy his undead minions and shatter his magic, but he escaped through a portal before we could strike the final blow."

The king nodded gravely, his eyes shadowed with worry. "I see," he said, his fingers drumming thoughtfully on the arm of his throne. "This is troubling news indeed. But you have done well, my guardians. You have dealt the necromancer a significant blow, and shown him that his evil will not go unchallenged."

He leaned forward, his gaze intense and unwavering. "But we must remain vigilant. The necromancer will surely strike again, and we must be ready. My mages will work tirelessly to track down his location. In the meantime, I urge you, my faithful guardians, to patrol the city and its borders. Be the eyes and ears of Azoren, and ensure the safety of our people."

The four guardians nodded solemnly, their faces set with determination. "It will be done, Your Majesty," Sebastian affirmed, his deep voice filled with unwavering loyalty. "We will not rest until the necromancer is brought to justice and Azoren is safe once more."

With a final bow, the guardians took their leave, their minds already turning to the task at hand. As they emerged from the palace into the bright sunlight, Sebastian turned to his companions, his eyes alight with purpose. "Bethany, Dianna," he said, his voice carrying an air of command, "I want you to patrol the city's outer walls. Keep a keen eye out for any signs of trouble, and report back immediately if you spot anything suspicious."

The two women nodded, their expressions serious. "Understood," Bethany replied, her long black hair swaying as she inclined her head. "We'll make sure nothing gets past us."

"Alastor and I will patrol the city streets," Sebastian continued, his gaze shifting to the mage at his side.

Alastor grinned, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Sounds like a plan," he agreed, his voice filled with his usual mirth. "And who knows? Maybe we'll even have time to sample some of those famous honey cakes from the market."

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