Chapter One

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The clang of steel and crackle of magic echoed through the training grounds of Azoren's capital. The city's towering spires of white stone and crystal glimmered in the morning sun, casting long shadows across the four young companions as they faced off against a squad of elite guards.

Sebastian, his muscular frame tensed for action, gripped his massive greatsword with both hands. His medium-length blonde hair whipped about as he pivoted, blue eyes scanning for an opening. With a powerful thrust, he drove back two guards, his blade a blur of motion. 

"Watch your flank, Seb!" Alastor called out, his lean figure darting between opponents. The mage's short brown hair stood on end as he summoned a gust of wind, sending a guard tumbling. Hazel eyes glinting with mischief, Alastor followed up with a quick frost spell, freezing the ground beneath another attacker. 

Dianna whirled into the fray, her wavy auburn hair flowing behind her like a battle standard. Golden eyes blazing with determination, she swung her morning star in a devastating arc. The weapon crackled with holy energy as it connected, sending shockwaves through her opponent. In her off-hand, a shimmering spectral shield materialized, deflecting an incoming blow.

"Incoming!" Bethany's voice rang out as she vaulted over a guard, her long black hair streaming behind her. Her brown eyes narrowed in concentration as she lashed out with her whip. The weapon elongated impossibly, glowing with purple energy as it wrapped around a guard's ankle. With a flick of her wrist, Bethany sent him sprawling. 

Sebastian found himself surrounded, his handsome features set in grim determination. He parried blow after blow, his greatsword moving with surprising agility for such a large weapon. "Alastor, some cover would be nice!" he shouted. 

"Coming right up, pretty boy!" Alastor grinned. He thrust his hands skyward, and storm clouds gathered overhead. A bolt of lightning struck the ground between Sebastian and his attackers, forcing them back. Dianna seized the opportunity, charging forward with her morningstar raised high. 

"For Azoren!" she cried, her attractive features alight with fervor. She brought the weapon down, creating a shockwave of holy energy that knocked several guards off their feet. Bethany, lithe and graceful, danced between opponents. With a sly smile, she suddenly split into three identical versions of herself, each wielding a glowing whip. The guards faltered, unsure which was real. Two of the Bethanys vanished in puffs of purple energy as they were struck, but the real one used the distraction to disarm her foe. 

As the skirmish reached its peak, Sebastian found himself back-to-back with Alastor. "Just like old times, eh?" he said, parrying a thrust. Alastor chuckled, frost forming around his fingers.

"Let's show them how it's done." With a coordinated move, Sebastian swept his blade in a wide arc while Alastor released a blast of icy wind. The combination sent their remaining opponents sprawling. Dianna lowered her morning star, breathing heavily. 

"I think that's the last of them," she said, surveying the training ground littered with groaning guards. Bethany coiled her whip , a cocky grin on her face. 

"Not bad for a morning workout. Though I think I might have broken a sweat." As the four companions shared a moment of triumph, a few determined guards struggled to their feet, charging with renewed vigor. Sebastian's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his greatsword. With a thought, the blade erupted into brilliant flames. 

He swung the weapon in a wide arc, unleashing a wave of fire that surged towards the approaching guards. The inferno stopped just short of engulfing them, its heat palpable in the air. The guards stumbled backward, raising their hands in surrender. "Well, that was kind of hot," Alastor quipped, waggling his eyebrows at Sebastian. A faint blush colored Sebastian's cheeks, but he quickly shrugged off the comment. 

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