Chapter Seven

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Lost in a haze of passion and desire, Alastor and Sebastian were oblivious to the world around them, their senses filled only with the taste and feel of each other. The dusty mattress creaked softly beneath their writhing bodies, the air thick with the musky scent of arousal and the soft, needy sounds that spilled from their lips.

So lost were they in each other that they failed to hear the soft tread of footsteps approaching the door, the gentle creak of aged hinges as the door swung open. It wasn't until a familiar voice rang out, bright and cheery, that they realized they were no longer alone.

"Boys, look what we fou--"

Dianna's singsong voice cut off abruptly as she took in the scene before her, her eyes going wide with shock. The plate of food she had been carrying slipped from her suddenly nerveless fingers, clattering to the floor in a cacophony of shattering ceramic and clanging metal.

For a long, suspended moment, the four guardians simply stared at each other, frozen in a state of surprise and embarrassment. Dianna's cheeks flushed a brilliant crimson as her gaze flicked over their naked, entwined forms, taking in the undeniable evidence of their arousal. Her mouth worked soundlessly, her usually quick wit deserting her in the face of such an unexpected sight.

Behind Dianna, Bethany's face split into a wide, knowing smirk, her dark eyes sparkling with mirth and a hint of wicked glee. Unlike her flustered companion, the raven-haired rogue seemed utterly unsurprised by the intimate scene they had stumbled upon. If anything, there was a glint of satisfaction in her gaze, as if she had long suspected this moment would come.

"Well, well, well," Bethany drawled, her voice dripping with mock reproach. "And here I thought you boys were supposed to be resting up. Looks like you found a far more...energetic way to pass the time."

Her eyes raked over their naked forms appreciatively, lingering on the play of muscles beneath sweat-sheened skin, the enticing flush that colored their faces and chests.

Sebastian scrambled to cover himself, his hands fumbling for the discarded blanket that lay in a tangled heap at the foot of the bed. A fierce blush stained his cheeks, turning the tips of his ears a brilliant scarlet as he tried in vain to salvage some shred of modesty. But the thin, threadbare fabric did little to conceal his straining arousal, the thick length of him tenting the blanket obscenely.

In contrast to Sebastian's flailing attempts at decency, Alastor simply stretched languidly, a cat-like smile playing about his kiss-swollen lips. He made no effort to cover himself, his lean, nude form displayed across the rumpled sheets. The mage seemed to revel in Dianna's embarrassment, his hazel eyes glinting with mischief as he drank in her flustered expression.

"Why, Dianna," Alastor purred, his voice a low, seductive rumble, "if you wanted to join in, all you had to do was ask."

He punctuated his words with a lazy roll of his hips, the shameless motion drawing attention to his own impressive erection. The thick shaft bobbed against his stomach, the engorged head glistening with pearly drops. Alastor's hand drifted downwards, fingers teasing along the sensitive skin of his inner thigh, coming tantalizingly close to his aching hardness.

Dianna made a strangled sound, her blush deepening to a shade that rivaled Sebastian's. She tore her gaze away from Alastor's lewd display, her eyes darting frantically around the room as if seeking some avenue of escape. But despite her obvious discomfort, there was no disguising the telltale hitch in her breath, the way her pupils dilated with a hunger that had nothing to do with the forgotten meal scattered across the floor.

"" she stammered, her hands fluttering helplessly at her sides. "I think I'm going to faint."

With that, Dianna's eyes rolled back in her head and she swooned dramatically, one hand coming up to press against her forehead in a gesture of overwrought distress. But before she could crumple to the floor in a dead faint, Bethany's arm shot out, catching the cleric around the waist and hauling her upright with a grunt of effort.

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