Chapter Six

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Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Sebastian launched himself into the air, his powerful legs propelling him upward with a force that defied gravity. His gleaming armor caught the light of the sun, the polished plates blazing with a fierce radiance that dazzled the eye. His face was a mask of righteous fury, his chiseled features contorted in a snarl of rage and determination.

In his hands, Sebastian's greatsword was a blur of motion, the massive blade wreathed in tongues of searing red flame. The fire danced and writhed along the length of the sword, the heat so intense that the very air around it shimmered and wavered like a desert mirage. The blade hummed with barely contained power, the sound a deep, resonant thrum that seemed to vibrate within his bones.

The distance between them closed with each passing heartbeat, the warrior's eyes locked onto his target with unwavering focus. His face was a study in concentration, his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched as he channeled every ounce of his strength and skill into this one, decisive blow.

Just as Sebastian's greatsword was about to make contact with the necromancer's twisted form, a cruel, knowing smirk twisted the dark mage's lips. In that fraction of a second before the blazing blade could bite into his flesh, the necromancer's body seemed to flicker and distort, his edges blurring and warping like a reflection in a fractured mirror. And then, with a final, mocking laugh that echoed through the war-torn streets, he vanished, his form dissolving into tendrils of oily black smoke that dissipated on the chill breeze.

Sebastian's momentum carried him forward, his greatsword cleaving through the empty air where the necromancer had stood just moments before. A roar of frustration tore from his throat, his face contorted in a mask of rage and disbelief.

But before he could fully process the necromancer's sudden disappearance, a blinding flash of dark purple light erupted from the spot where the dark mage had been. The light was a thing of nightmares, a sickly, pulsing radiance that seemed to throb with a malevolent intelligence. It expanded outward in a sudden, violent burst, a shock wave of eldritch energy that slammed into the four guardians with the force of a rampaging dragon.

The world around them shattered like a pane of glass struck by a stone, the very fabric of reality splintering and fracturing under the onslaught of the necromancer's dark magic. The once-solid ground beneath their feet rippled and warped, the cobblestones buckling and heaving like the waves of a storm-tossed sea. Buildings crumbled and collapsed, their walls and roofs dissolving into clouds of dust and rubble that swirled and eddied in the unnatural breeze.

And then, with a final, cataclysmic roar that shook the very foundations of the world, everything went black. The four guardians felt a sickening lurch in the pits of their stomachs, a sensation of falling that seemed to go on forever. They tumbled through an endless void, their bodies twisting and somersaulting in the inky darkness, their screams of terror swallowed by the all-consuming silence.

After what felt like an eternity, they hit the ground with a jarring impact that sent shockwaves of pain shooting through their battered bodies. Sebastian was the first to stir, a low groan escaping his lips as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. His head swam, his vision blurred and distorted as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings.

Sebastian blinked, his eyes struggling to adjust to the strange, otherworldly light that suffused the landscape. The sky above was a roiling sea of deep, bruised purples, shot through with veins of sickly green and pulsing with an unnatural energy. The sun was a bloated, malevolent orb that hung low on the horizon, its sickly light casting long, distorted shadows across the twisted terrain.

Beside him, his companions stirred, their own groans of pain and confusion mingling with the eerie, oppressive silence that hung over the land like a shroud. Alastor was the first to rise, his lean form unfolding with a grace that belied the pain etched into his features. His eyes were wide and haunted as he took in the nightmarish landscape, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

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