Rivals In Love

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A really short literal one short.


Jeon Jungkook stood at the window of his penthouse office, gazing out at the Seoul skyline as dusk settled over the city. His jaw clenched as he replayed the scene from earlier that day - Taehyung, his husband of three months, laughing intimately with Park Jimin at the quarterly board meeting.

The merger between Jeon Enterprises and Kim Industries had been purely business, a strategic move to dominate the tech market. The arranged marriage between Jungkook and Taehyung, heirs to the rival companies, was meant to seal the deal. It was supposed to be a loveless contract, nothing more.

So why did the sight of Taehyung's boxy smile directed at Jimin make Jungkook's blood boil?

He loosened his tie, pouring himself a generous glass of whiskey. As the amber liquid burned down his throat, Jungkook tried to make sense of the turbulent emotions churning inside him.

Kim Taehyung had been a thorn in his side for years - the golden boy of Korean tech, always one step ahead in innovation. Jungkook had relished the idea of bringing his rival to heel through this merger. But somewhere along the way, between heated arguments and reluctant collaboration, something had shifted.

He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment. Maybe it was the way Taehyung's brow furrowed adorably when he was concentrating on a difficult problem. Or how his eyes lit up when he talked about his latest project. Or the rare, genuine smiles that made Jungkook's heart skip a beat.

Whatever the cause, Jungkook found himself craving Taehyung's attention and approval. He worked harder, pushed boundaries further, all to impress the man who was supposed to be nothing more than a business partner.

But Taehyung remained frustratingly aloof, maintaining careful distance even as they shared a home. His smiles never quite reached his eyes when directed at Jungkook. Not like today, when he'd practically glowed in Jimin's presence.

The crystal tumbler shattered in Jungkook's grip, shards of glass biting into his palm. He hissed in pain, watching blood well up from the cuts.

A knock at the door jolted him from his brooding. "Come in," he barked, not bothering to turn around.

"Jungkook? Are you alright? I heard something break."

Taehyung's concerned voice sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine. He steeled himself before turning to face his husband.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he took in the broken glass and Jungkook's bloodied hand. "You're hurt! Here, let me help-"

"I'm fine," Jungkook snapped, jerking away from Taehyung's outstretched hand. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your precious Jimin?"

Hurt and confusion flashed across Taehyung's face. "What are you talking about? Jimin left hours ago."

"Oh please," Jungkook sneered, the alcohol loosening his tongue. "Don't pretend you weren't thrilled to see him. Laughing and flirting right in front of me."

Taehyung's brow furrowed. "We were just catching up. He's an old friend, nothing more."

"Right," Jungkook scoffed. "Just a friend who can't wait to marry you the second our contract is up."

Taehyung paled. "You heard that?"

"Hard not to, when he announced it to the whole damn room." Jungkook drained the rest of his whiskey, relishing the burn. "Well don't let me stand in your way. If you want to run off with him, be my guest. Our little arrangement clearly means nothing to you."

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