The Scene On The Candle Flame

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The small room was dark and empty— the only source of dim light came from a candle set atop a small table

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The small room was dark and empty— the only source of dim light came from a candle set atop a small table.

Jedidiah emerged from the shadows, hovering up to the candle. There was a mild frown-smile on his face as he gazed at it with unblinking eyes. He stopped behind it and his eyes began to glow a golden color.

The candle began to dance and sway back and forth, growing slightly wider and much taller, until its tip almost reached the ceiling.

Jedidiah kept staring forward, fixing his gaze on the images that formed at the center of the flame. He saw images of himself hovering through a town on one of the full-desert planets in Galaxy D888-Z. He was hovering through the ferret cities on the planet, keeping his head hung low so that his hood covered the angles of his face.

Behind him was a black female ferret wearing a black robe—her hood also hid her face. She was slinking through the shadows behind all the grocery stands, keeping just a few yards to Jedidiah's side. Every so often, she would shift her head to the side to shoot a piercing, green-eyed glance in Jedidiah's direction.

Jedidiah shifted his head, casting a frown-smile in her direction as she turned her face away again. Then he returned his gaze forward, hovering around a corner and disappearing around a building.

As Jedidiah watched the image of himself disappear, he heard the doorknob behind him shifting.

Jedidiah's golden eyes instantly flashed and the candle flame returned to its previous size.

The door behind him opened and Agatha peered into the room, giving him a playful grimace. "Yo, dinner's ready. Ya comin' or what?"

Jedidiah's ears flicked as he continued to frown-smile at the candle. "Will be right over," he rasped.

Agatha raised an eyebrow at him and the candle, then shrugged and turned to swirl away.

Jedidiah watched as a small image of the black hooded ferret appeared in the candle again—she lifted her head to gaze at him with her piercing, unreadable gaze. This time, her body was glitchy and blinking in and out of focus.

"Sorry, Zellah," he muttered, his tail swaying. "Ye can't always get what ye want. 'Specially if ye aren't even capable of havin' desires."

He flicked his tail, causing the image on the flame to disappear. Then he turned to hover out of the room. 

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