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Lilith didn't know what day it was, she barely even knew the year

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Lilith didn't know what day it was, she barely even knew the year. She just knew that her parents had moved out after a few weeks of grieving their "runaway" daughter and a new family had now moved in. The spirits of the house had kept their promise, the girl was back to good shape.

She had made friends with the other spirits, staying clear of charles whenever he made his appearance. her and elizabeth were particularly close, both beauties from different ages and both had a passion for performing. They played small tricks on the new residents but they didn't seem to take much notice.

It was as the years started going by and the new boy in the house hit his late teen years that Lilith changed. Drastically. The new boy, tate, Lilith didn't pay much attention to him until he was closer to her age. Until he had figured out his style and music taste. God did lilith love his music taste.

It was all newer music but oh was it good. Lilith tended to sit in his room as he played his music. His room that, actually, was once hers. She needed to know him, she needed to get into his head. The other girls she had befriended had noted how she was borderline obsessed with him yet didn't dare step in her way. She had became a bit snappy towards him.

It wasnt until halloween of 1993 that she made herself known to him. Halloween was the only time she was allowed out of the house, so she took her chance to meet him.

He left the house at sundown, Lilith following closely behind. She loved halloween, not only because she could leave the house but because she loved everyone's costumes. The old tale said it was to scare away spirits like Lilith but she didn't understand how that could be true when all she wanted to do was squeeze the cheeks of the little kids dressed up as witches and pirates. It was adorable.

Lilith wished to have her own child one day, she knew that wasn't possible.

Tate arrived at the beach just as the sky was beginning to dim. Lilith stood back and watched for a while, not exactly knowing how to approach the boy. He looked sad as he watched the tide sway against the shore. It wasn't until the sun hit the horizon that Lilith made her move. The golden sun shining perfectly over her smooth skin and the reflection giving her green eyes more of a glow.

"what's bothering you" Lilith knew, of course she did. She had been watching him scribble words in his journal, his journal filled with his darkest desires and horrible circumstances. The boy jumped at Liliths voice, the girls sitting a comfortable distance away from him.

"nothing" Tate shook his head, looking over to the girl briefly. Her face familiar but he was unsure where from. He didn't dwell on it for too long, his mind plagued with other issues.

"you can talk to me you know, i highly doubt we'll see each other again" Lilith comforted, even though she knew her words would not be true. It managed to get him to open up though, the boy ranting about his mother and school. Anything that came to his mind, he would tell her. He didn't know why he trusted this (beautiful) stranger but he did.

Maybe it was that sense of familiarity getting to him. A homely feeling drifting between them. Maybe he just felt safe with her.

It was midnight when tate and Lilith had stopped talking. Well, it was mainly the boy talking with lilith butting in with some words of acknowledgment every few sentences.

It was a strange feeling both of them had. Lilith felt content for the first time in a long time and tate felt like he had a friend. something he didn't have before her. something he didn't want to loose

"do you want to do this again sometime" Tate asked the girl shakily, he was nervous, Lilith was glad at that. She loved that she could make the boy nervous.

"yes, definitely but not here, it's freezing" Lilith giggled sweetly, her knees brought up to her chest as she looked out at the now dark blue sky.

"you uh, well you can come to mine sometime" bingo. Lilith just got invited into his (hers and many others) house which gave her free roam to come over whenever the second he gave her his address. Lilith pulled out a small notebook from her pocket and tossed it to him, handing him a pink pen as well"

"write your address down, i'll come over when i'm free" Lilith smiled at the blonde, getting up from her spot on the sand

"where are you going" Tate asked the mystery girl

"the night is still young and i have people to see, i'll see you soon Tate" Lilith turned to walk away, her eyes widening as she picked up on her mistake. He hadn't told her his name. She just prayed he didn't realise

"hey uh, i didn't catch your name" The boy stood quickly, watching the girl walk away. Smiling to herself, Lilith knew (hoped) he hadn't caught on to her mistake

"it's Lilith" She called back, walking away. She didn't have much to do for the rest of the night, instead just wanted to make most of her free roaming, watching as the teenagers piled into houses and partied.

Tate, however, was stood frozen on the beach. mulling over this mystery woman who had known his name without him telling her. She was gorgeous, that much he knew, and she intrigued him. She had a mixed personality, a sweetheart yet cold hearted. Her eyes were full of emotion yet so void of life. He was hooked and he didn't even know her.

That's what scared him the most. He could feel his emotions bubbling after a few measly hours with this girl where he had only talked about himself. Maybe it was fate in some weird twisted way. Maybe soulmates or something.

All he knew was that by the next morning he had a full journal entry of everything he wanted to do with the girl. Both good and bad. He had this dark desire to protect her from the cruel world yet knew she was capable of that herself. He wanted her in an overwhelming way and he didn't quite know what to do with that


low-key hate this chapter but had to somehow write them meeting so this is it! gonna be quick paced now i think. it's defo gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions.

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