part one.

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"Hello Viv!" Siobhan exclaims over the landline.

"Hey Bon-Bon, how are things?" Vivian replied, excited to hear the blondes voice.

"Quiet," Siobhan sighs, "Roger's out with his golfing friends so I have the house to myself for a while"

Siobhan having free time to herself was a rarity so every time she did, she made sure to cherish every second. It wasn't common for Roger to leave Siobhan alone but since she was being left at their home, Roger thought it acceptable and happily left her to wallow in her own thoughts.

"I have a feeling the system will be down again tomorrow so I'll have to visit the Knight nursery in the early morning, maybe I'll see you there?" Siobhan jokingly blurted out.

She was never one to express any kinds of feelings and emotions other than rage or disgust. This was a first for her, to be laughing and joking with someone. It was clear that Vivian brought out the softer side of her and she liked that about Vivian. She never wanted moments like these with Viv to end, she wanted forever to be by Vivian's side. As they spoke, Siobhan's mind whirled with thoughts of their shared time together, however she was swiftly interrupted by the deafening sound of the front door slamming shut.

"Viv, Roger's home. I have to go." Siobhan quickly stated, in a worried panicking thinking that she could be caught talking to someone Roger didn't know about.

Before Vivian had the chance to say their goodbyes and Siobhan to hang up, the shouting had started. Roger had come home in a fit of rage, storming up the wooden stairs in a matter of seconds and heading straight for the master bedroom where Siobhan was currently residing.

The moment the blonde had heard his voice, she felt her heart plummet. Never before had she heard him clamber up the stairs so swiftly, it only frightened her more. What on earth could've gone so wrong at golf? Golf of all things. Siobhan had convinced herself at this point that the sheer thought of Roger having to come home to her repulsed him. She sat for a very brief moment and thought "If he truely loved and cared for me, why would he treat me this way?" She quickly came to the conclusion that he does not in fact love or care for her. Not anymore. Shes just being used.

The anticipation of waiting for him to enter the room was eating her alive. All she wanted was for him to just get it over with, she was used to it by now. It was her daily routine. When the lair had first gotten together, he adored her, he wore her on his arm with pride and showered her with love. But now it was as if he believed she was the dirt on the bottom of his shoe, like he was embarrassed to be seen in public with her. She tried ever so desperately to make him love her again but nothing ever worked. She would starve herself for days to get the perfect body for him but he always wanted more from her. She was never thin enough, pretty enough, quiet enough, smart enough, funny enough. It was impossible to please him.

She jolted from her position as the door to their bedroom slammed open, making her heart pound against her chest at a million times an hour. That was when she heard the faint sound of a familiar voice repeating her name frantically over and over again.



me and robs both wrote this,
blame her too 🥰

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