part five.

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"Siobhan!!" Roger bellowed as he slammed the front door shut and heavily put his coat down in the hall on his way in. The deranged man stumbled into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of neat whiskey, then slowly but very determinedly made his way up the stairs, clinging onto the banister with his free hand in hopes he didn't go tumbling down the stairs with how little control he had over his body.

As the two women could hear Roger climbing the stairs they both sharply turned to look at each other, tears still silently pouring from Siobhan's glassy eyes. Fear is all they could see in both of their faces. Pure terror. That man was a violent one even when sober so Vivian couldn't even begin to imagine what he was going to be like drunk. Unfortunately for the blonde, she knew all too well how Roger was after he'd visited the bar, using his belittling words less and replacing that with added punches, kicks and smacks.

Just as the 6"2 male reached the top of the stairs and made his way to the master bedroom, Vivian had the idea to grab a candlestick that sat collecting dust on one of the bedside tables. Only to be used for defence of course. The outline of Roger's body stood in the doorway, his beady eyes staring daggers at the two cowering women. Faster than expected, he made his way towards them both, whiskey glass still in hand as he grabbed Vivian by the collar and dragging her off the floor. The blonde screamed her name and quickly shot up, butting in between the two just as Roger was about to swing for Vivian. His cold, hard knuckles connected with Siobhan's cheekbone, immediately drawing blood and knocking the poor woman back down to the floor she was just sobbing on moments ago. The man didn't take a second to look for his injured fiancé before stepping back and throwing the whiskey glass in Vivian's direction, very narrowly missing her head. With no hesitation, the dark haired woman raised her arm, smacking Roger on the side of the head with the candlestick she was gripping onto. He had no chance to speak before he came tumbling to the ground. He was out cold.

This was their chance.

Vivian took Siobhan's hand and ran with her down the stairs and out of the house, sprinting towards her car. They both jumped in, forgetting about any kind of safety with seatbelts before Viv stepped on the gas and raced through town, desperate to get back to her safe home. The car journey was loud with the dark haired woman asking if Siobhan was ok repeatedly and her replies being unintelligible through her tears.

"Vivian I'm sorry you shouldn't have had to see that. Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did h-" her eyes scanned the older woman's body, trying to check for any possible injuries that her partner may have caused. Vivian shouldn't have been there. She could handle the abuse from Roger but she could not handle seeing him try to hurt Vivian. She would never admit it but that woman was everything, the only thing keeping her alive.

"Bon look at me. I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me. Look at you. I'll take you back to mine and I can get that pretty face cleaned up. Does that sound okay?" the blonde had never had someone be so gentle with her before, never had somebody give her a choice and her truly feel like she could be honest. There would never be a reality where she would say no to Vivian but she appreciated the choice and the ability to say no.

"Yes please. I appreciate your kindness, you really didn't have to do that" she was eternally grateful for Vivian turning up.

"I will always be there for you." they turned to each other to exchanged a smile, Vivian then turning to look back at the road and Siobhan peering to her right, gazing out the window and chucking to herself.

"Something funny Miss Serpent?" she joked playfully.

"No no I'm sorry, I just didn't envision you driving this kind of car that's all." The blonde chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand in an attempt to hide her grin. It had been a long while since Siobhan let herself laugh and be happy. It was nice for her, like a breath of fresh air on a cold winters morning. The warmth she felt when she was with Vivian was the opposite, like sitting next to a warm fire, cosy in a blanket and reading a favourite book. She had once felt that was with Roger, very early in their relationship when she was showered with all the love in the world. But alas, that didn't last long, three months in and she was trapped forever in his venomous web of lies and abuse.

"Hey, you leave my suzuki out of this, she may look a little busted up but she still runs." The raven-haired woman chuckled, her friend staring at her and laughing. The stare wasn't of anything but love, like how you'd look at your life-long partner after years of marriage. It was filled with love and a gently warmth.

Caught up in the moment of laughter, Vivian reached out and laid her free hand on the blondes thigh. At first she flinched, as Roger was known to do this and it was usually shortly followed with a stinging smack across the face. Viv apologised profusely for if she'd made Siobhan uncomfortable and quickly moved her hand away, to which the blonde grabbed and placed back on her thigh, giving the raven-haired woman the signal that it was okay. The pair both knew that Siobhan would never flinch due to Vivian's actions or movements and only to Roger's which killed Viv but she refused to speak about it.

As the distance between the pair and Vivian's house got smaller, Siobhan began to panic, wondering whether Jamie would have to witness her in such a vulnerable state.

"Can I just ask, is Jamie at yours tonight?" The blonde asked, turning to look at Vivian worriedly while biting her short, nude coloured acrylics.

"No he isn't, he's staying at my ex's tonight. Why'd you ask?" she replied, painting a confused look on her face as she asked why.

"No reason, I was just curious." The blonde replied, feeling a sense of relief wash over her from the answer she received. She loved Jamie like he was her own, however Siobhan felt as though she wouldn't have been able to look at him. She thought of his concerned face looking her up and down as he would discover the many cuts and bruises that dressed her body. It embarrassed her to have the people she cared for so deeply look at the vulnerable, shell of a human she had become. The independent, strong and capable woman that had met Vivian and Jamie for the first time was no longer. She was now disheveled, weak and so fragile, not just emotionally but physically too, to the point her body started to bruise like a peach. Seeing Viv's son whilst in this state would've left her feeling even lower than she already did. The shame, guilt and pure horror she felt every time she stepped out the house was unbearable, making seeing Jamie almost torturous.

Pulling onto the raven-haired woman's street, Siobhan began to feel a sense of safety. She knew Roger didn't know where Vivian resided so they would be finally safe from his grasp. Or so she thought. Safety was a strange feeling for the blonde as she hadn't had the pleasure of feeling safe since being with Roger. Even before the abuse started, she always had a certain feeling deep in her chest that something wasn't right, but she would unfortunately shrug that feeling off and continue to live in the abundance of gifts he poured into her arms.

Never had she regretted something more.


FINALLY got chapter 5 out.
hope y'all enjoyed x

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