part eight.

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Luckily for the younger woman, her speeding car had managed to scrape along the metal divider between the two sides of the motorway, slowing the car and snapping Siobhan out of her trance. As the now scratched Rolls-Royce came to a stop, the blonde had once again frozen, she was emotionless. With a very brief pause she was back to driving, not wanting to longer the time until she could see Vivian again. The tears from the woman's eyes had finally stopped rolling down her cheeks, instead she wore the same cold expression that usually dressed her face. For some reason the drive now felt shorter, like since she'd stopped crying the miles finally felt normal.

Siobhan had finally made it to the hospital, pulling out her phone to check the time. 1:46am it read as she walked through the automatic sliding doors and immediately being met by the blinding white lights. Walking up to the reception desk, she asked where Vivian's room was, to which she replied,

"Who are you to the patient?"

Knowing she wouldn't be allowed to see the older woman if she was just her friend, she chose to reply with,

"My wife." To which she was given the answer "Room 204". The blonde wasted no time making her way to her darling's room, practically sprinting up the two flights of stairs and down the longest corridor.

Siobhan felt some sort of comfort to tell somebody that her and Viv were together, even though they weren't. It just felt right to her, like she was proud to say that Vivian was her partner.

The younger woman had finally reached the older woman's hospital room, taking a deep breath and mentally preparing for who she was about to see. She gently knocked on the door, turning the handle and creaking the door open.

The sight of the woman led before her brought an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Seeing her broken arm, the huge, deep cut under her eye, her bruised and puffy face, missing teeth and massive gash on her head brought on the worst nausea, the blonde clutching her stomach as she approached the dark-haired woman.

Sitting down on the chair that sat perfectly placed next to Vivian's bed, she grabbed the older woman's hand, softly stroking it with her thumb. Vivian looked so at peace as she led in her hospital bed asleep, like she'd never been more well-rested. Even though Siobhan knew Vivian couldn't hear her if she said anything, she lent closer to the older woman saying,

"I'm sorry. This never would've happened if I hadn't picked up your call earlier today. I shouldn't have dragged you into this and now you're paying the price for trying to help me. As much as you can try to convince me otherwise, I know this is all my fault. I love you. So much. I never wanted anything to happen to you and I never intended for Roger to find out about us. I know we're just friends but you mean so much more to me, I hope one day you can love me like I love you." The blonde expressed, tearing up the same she had in the car.

"She can't hear you right now, we've had to put her into a medically-induced coma as her head injuries were far too serious and wouldn't have been able to heal properly if she was awake." A nurse said, entering the room swiftly, clipboard in hand.

"Oh I know, I just wanted to get some things off my chest that have been sat there a while." Siobhan replied, standing and walking over to the edge of Vivian's bed, gently kissing her forehead then turning to leave.

The blonde trudged back down the stairs, back out the automatic sliding doors and to the black Rolls-Royce, to which she slammed the door when she jumped in. All she felt was anger while the tears that were still flowing out of her eyes became more violent as she banged her fists on the steering wheel. She was angry that Roger had found out about her and Vivian, angry that she hadn't done more to prevent her friend turning out the way she did that landed her in hospital, angry that her fiancé existed in the first place if she was being honest.

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