part three.

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Vivian's POV:

As Roger hung up the phone, Vivian felt panic rise in her chest as she feared for the blondes safety. The sound of Siobhan's pleas would forever haunt her every waking moment. She had just sat there helplessly listening to him belittle her and hurt her. There was no way in hell that she was going to sit here twiddling her thumbs any longer whilst Siobhan laid sobbing on the floor.

There was a part of her that was telling her to stay, to check in on Siobhan tomorrow and just keep an ear out for the phone but that wasn't happening. All the adrenaline rushing through her veins pushed her out the door and into her car which refused to start.

She angrily twisted the key in the ignition, again and again, grunting in annoyance when it wouldn't start. Of all the times her car could've decided to break, now was not the best of times. All she could think of was Siobhan all alone, trembling in fear as the man who was supposed to love her, protect her, care for her, towered over her menacingly.

Finally after one last try, her car hesitantly started allowing for her to let out a loud sigh of relief. She immediately backed out of her driveway, speeding down the road towards Siobhan's house. During one of their "meetings", she had encouraged the one to give her address just in case she ever needed her or if Roger went too far one night and she agreed. Ever since, she had the location saved on her phone so she could be there whenever Siobhan wished. In all honesty she had never truely expected to need to use it, she loved how much Siobhan had opened up to her recently but she didn't want to push her boundaries. If she pushed too far she would back away and they would be right back to square one. However, she felt as though now was a good time to put that address to use.

Her fingers tapped anxiously on the steering wheel as she waited at the red light that never seemed to change.

"Come on!" she screamed, slamming her hand violently against the steering wheel. As she did so it was as if the lights had heard her and switched swiftly to green. She knew that by going to the house she was putting herself at danger, she had heard all about what Roger was capable of but there was a fire inside of her. A fire that burned for Siobhan.

During this time, Vivian had no idea what she was going to be facing once she arrived at Siobhan's house. From what she'd heard and observed, Roger was relentless and extremely cruel. There was no telling how he would react to Vivian showing up but in the moment, whether that be she'd be taking the brunt of Roger's physical and verbal abuse or not, she didn't care. All she knew was that her dear friend needed help and she was the only person who would've been able to do anything about it.

As Vivian turned into Siobhan's street her heart began to race. She hadn't properly thought through what she was about to do. All kinds of thoughts were racing through her mind.

"Is this going to fuck things up with me and Bon?"
"Would me barging in make everything worse for her?"

The answer to those was most likely "yes" but she knew something needed to be done. Siobhan couldn't keep living like this. Not even living. Surviving.

Eventually pulling up outside the dreaded house, Vivian heavily considered turning around and forgetting she ever heard or saw anything. That probably would've been for the best. At least in her case. But she couldn't leave her best friend in that house, especially in the state she was now in.

The dark-haired woman secured her car and slowly ascended the small steps that led to Siobhan's house, mentally preparing for what she was about to see. She approached the front door and quickly realised it had been left slightly ajar, instilling even more fear in Vivian's mind.

Cracking the door open slowly, Vivian made her way inside. The silence that hit her ears was so deafening she could've heard a pin drop, which way scarier than hearing shouting. She cautiously ascended the wooden staircase and found her way to the master bedroom, guessing that's where the blonde would be.

And she was.


a bit of a longer one i think coz robs
decided to write 6 massive paras but its fine 🐝

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