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Dandy and Astro were babysitting Toodles because Teagan was too busy that day.

They've never take care of a child before so they didn't really know what to do. After some minutes Dandy started playing with her with some of her plushies, he was having a hard time trying to hold in his embarrassment, but he didn't want to see Toodles sad.

It was afternoon already, Dandy, Astro and Toodles were having a tea party, and some time later Pebble joined too.
Toodles saw this as the perfect opportunity to make Pebble look "cute and fancy", so she made him wear a pink dress and some makeup (which is not dangerous for Pebble because he's basically a rock-).

Toodles: Wow Pebble! You look really cute right now!

Pebble: ...🥲

Toodles: You are just like a princess!

Pebble: Woof. (I will kill you while you sleep)

Finally, it was time for Toodles to go to bed. She insisted that she wanted to keep playing but Dandy and Astro were so freaking tired that they basically trapped her into the bed sheets so she couldn't escape. Some minutes passed, Astro was reading a book about astronomy while Toodles started to fall asleep, when he noticed that Toodles was completely asleep he left the book on a tiny table and proceeded to leave the room, obviously leaving a night light so she could feel more comfortable.


Another episode yay °^°

I think they would be way worse at babysitting but I wanted to show it as something cute.

So uhhhhh.

Yeah, cya!

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