Old friend

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First angst yay.

I hope y'all like it, im sure i won't.

The elevator started descending, with only Astro inside. Everyone else already died.

He was really stressed out about the fact he had to do everything alone, he'd never had to deal with a floor by their own, so they didn't really knew what to do.

Astro was pretty focused on his thoughts, until a voice called his name.

He looked back, seeing that annoying flower he totally despised, he immediately frowned and tried to ignore him.

Dandy: Come on, don't ignore a friend. That's rude.

Astro: I'm not your friend.

Dandy just looked at Astro with a smile on his face, he scoffed and kept talking.

Dandy: Am I that easy to forget? Hah... Astro, don't lie to yourself.

Astro looked at Dandy with a confused expression, he didn't really understand what Dandy meant.

Dandy: You know... We used to be really close to each other, remember? But now, you just treat me like if I was another stranger.

Astro: You are a stranger, I wish you never entered my life. You're insane, that's why no one likes to be around you.

Astro was getting worked up about what the flower was saying, this whole conversation didn't feel real, he tried his best to not lose it.

Dandy: That may be right. But, have you ever thought about what other toons think of you? If they even care about you? If they even love you? The answer is, no, they do not want to spend time with you either because of that stupid and bratty personality of yours. You're useless now. Just like me.

The moon, after hearing all of that, he started to feel his heart aching. He didn't want to hear that, even if he knew it was true, he hated the truth. He was about to drop all his anger on Dandy, but the elevator stopped.

Dandy: Well. I think this is the end of our conversation. It was really entertaining. Now, be careful here, I'm sure you don't want to get hurt...

Astro gulped as he heard the last words. He was now afraid of what could possibly be in that floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, small teardrops came out of his eye.

"I miss the old him, my old friend."


Angst is not really my thing, but I hope this is good enough.

I'm happy everytime I upload on my books, it helps me a lot.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2024 ⏰

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