Turn me on!

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I woke up with a weired feeling. There was something diffrent, I was warm and I didn't have that many nightmares. I turned to my night table.

"Wha-what where is__"

"Morning John." I heard a voice coming in my room. But whom should that be? "So what did you dream, you were quite noisy?"

"What? Why are you...wait what happened?"I saw a slender figure come closer, then I realised it was Sherlock. Oh...dear. Memories began to flow back.

"Well, after the wonderful make out session came the sofa. From there it was quite-"

"Hot, sweaty and full of regrets." I looked up at him.

"Regrets?" He put the mug on the nightstand and sat on the bed, looking down to the bed. "You think what you did was a mistake?"

I froze realising how close he was sat next to me. "Well-well considering we have known each other for less than a day and shagged right off the bat...yea."


"Sherlock...stop it that tickles!" I lied but I guess it worked.

"Why you little tale teller! And you thought that would work on me?" After that he pulled me up and he climbed on the bed. He twirled behind me and pulled me back, then I realised I was sitting on his lap and his %$#@! was right there.

Sherlock prov

"So it looks like I'll punish this little lier!" I pulled him in for a massive hug. There was a knock on the door. "Oh that will be your stuff." he stared at me in confusion, anger and disbelief. "What?"


"Because I didn't want you to carry all those stuff."


"My brother's men." wait did that sound like...

"Your brother's what?" I couldn't help it, he looked so adorable like a little pup trying to fight with a bigger dog. I hugged him closer and kissed him and he gave a moan as I squeezed.

"I'll tell you latez." I got up and put on my shirt but before I went I gave him a wink, with made him blush, that turned me on.

~~some time later...I mean latez~~

I finished getting the last box up when John bobbed up in front of me with a bed head, untidy clothes and yawning (<---this made me yawn) he also held the mug I brought for him. His nose and his cheeks were rosy and his eyes nearly open. He moved over to my...the couch and gently put the mug down and planted himself on it like a kitten. I closed the door and walked over to him. I kneeled down and stroked his honey blond hair which was curled up at the ends. He made a sound which was more like a complain so I put my hand down his arm, wrist and placed it on his side. I guess he is ticklish because, he giggled when I did so. He tried to open his eyes to see what was going on but then shut them and reached out and hovered in the air until he caught a side of my hair, he ran his fingers down and up my scalp. He smiled like it was the best thing to touch, he moved his hand lower to my chin and to my lips then he felt them thoroughly. After he was done he moved down to my shoulders the pulled me closer to him, he placed his other hand on my side and the one on my shoulder shaked its way to my neck. So there we were hugging on the couch. I could see how this is uncomfortable so I got up to change position but he suddenly graded my hand and tried to pull me down. He tried to open his eyes but he couldn't but instead of saying somethin he moaned loudly. That turned me on.

John's prov

He felt so good and smelt like LINX chocolate...that gave me the chills. I wanted him to stay but he pulled away. I tried to open my eyes and scream come here but instead I subtly opened my eyes and moaned. After a few moments of silence (<--- Silence are scary! O.O) he pulled away and bragged my legs down so he could sit. When he did so he pulled me in for another squeeze/hug and moaned like he saw something cute -Me?-. He shifted and pulled me up on him and he lied down so I was on his chest. It felt warm so I snug in him. he held me with his giant slender hand and kissed my forehead.

~~flash foward~~

I got up and cleaned the mug and two plates -which I used, hmm does he ever eat?- then I returned to him. He got up to great me into a hug -again- and he whispered "So where are you going to sleep? My room or the one above?" I thought for a while.

"If you don't mind maybe I should move up stairs."

"Oh don't worry I will not harass you if you sleep with me. Or are you not comfortable when I'm with you?"

"What!? No, no I don't feel uncomfortable around you, actually its the opposite...I mean that, well I have a lot of nightmares so I would wake you up in early hours and...and that would only annoy you and__" he smirked. "What?"

"Oh sorry is that you thought I sleep that often." he gave up and started laughing."Oh sorry its that, that I don't sleep like you or anyone else does especially when I'm on a case, or if I'm on someone." he gave me a wink.

I ignored it and continued."Wait so your a police man?"

"No,no better. I'm a consulting detective. its when the police have a case and they have no clues the consult me."

"Oh. Although you would look quite hot in a uniform." yes you would.

"What did you just say?" I looked up he was blushing in pink.

"I said oh, didn't you hear me?"

"No you said...that I would...look hot...in a uniform." oh sht did I fckin hell. I looked at him but he was looking away. He passed around with his hands together and on his lips. "Fine, blue or navy?"


"The uniform, blue or navy?" he, what!!!???

"Navy...I guess...but where would you get it from?"

"I have my ways, ok so that's sorted you are sleeping with me.."

"Ummmm...Sherlock...do dose this mean we are...you know...umm__"

"Yes, I hope we are, I mean if its ok with you." he smiled and headed to the boxes he pulled them in his room and started to unpack my stuff.

"Hey wait I'll help!"

~~an hour and 30 min passed~~

"Ok, all done. Wow John for a single man you have a lot of stuff, and by stuff I mean jumpers." Sherlock giggled at the wardrobe which was full of my clothes and most of them were jumpers. I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh god ok, so I'm going to see if Scotland yard needs me. Wanna come?"

"Sure!" we walked out the room and talked and laughed about a joke. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Oh that would be Mrs Hudson. Come in!" he shouted while outing on his coat. I was getting ready. The door opened bit there was no old woman, in fact it wasn't a woman. It was a tall, suited man with a cane...no wait umbrella and walked in.

"Umm Sherlock?"

"What?" Sherlock was behindt the door and looked at me with confusion. The blue eyed man smirked and walked in side he looked like he was important.

"Afternoon, Sherlock."

+++ok I know, you know who that is....if you don't, rewatch study in pink. anyway. I hope ur enjoying this, I really hope it's nice to read, oh if you got anything to tell, suggest or point out plz leave that in the comments.oh new chap there will be a lot of well...the title says it, "I'm your boyfriend's enemy because, we both want you." yea its long but the clue is there. xoxoxo+++

(in a rewriting process) First impressionWhere stories live. Discover now