....The master....The brains....and The cute toy

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+++here you are....Omg ok enjoy+++

'Sherlock...he...I need him he is my...'

'Your what? Please don't tell me you think he cares about you! Ha-ha!'

'No stop it...leave me'

'HA HA HA HA HA...ha ha ha ha!' the mean voice faded and then a familiar voice.

...'John? John are you ok?'


"JOHN WAKE UP!!!" Then I realised I was dreaming that voice...and Sherlock is here with me...but what happened I can't remember going to bed.

I open my eyes. The light still heavy on my eyelids. I feel a hand on my chest and something heavier next to it. "Sherlock? Please get off of me...my chest...its hard to breath...Sherlock" he does as I say. I close my eyes. "Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock."

"Is something wrong? Does something hurt?"

"No, Sherlock...I like saying your name. Sherlock." I open my eyes and this time my eyes can lift the weight of the light. They reveal a room full of army or S.R.B.O.G. (specially recruited bodyguards of the government.) all staring at me. Also, a dark, tall, suited figure with a cane in front of the S.R.B.O.G. and next to him on the floor kneeling, an evil smirk with the devil's look staring at me. "What...happened?"

"You were drugged, abused and then you fainted, Mr Watson. Now dear brother, shall we?" 

Sherlock kept looking in my direction but nodded and got up.

"Can you walk?"

"I...yea I can..." I started to button up my shirt and moved to the end of the bed. I got up, but then eminently fell. Sherlock, luckily caught me. " Thank__" Sherlock pulled me close, picked up my legs and held me like a prince. I felt my body reacting to this, my whole body. My face gave everything away, by now I was blushing. "Sherlock...you...you don't have to..."

"But I want to." he planted a kiss on my cheek and he made his way across the room. The tall man and the S.R.B.O.G. were gone with the evil, smirking person.

May I add, I still have no clue what so ever, about anything and anyone...except Sherlock.


Sherlock prov

I held him, my John. My only. My honey blonde princess! ...oh I was going to kill that bastshit ( sorry ) for hurting him, even if nothing happened, I will kill him. I will burn him with hot metal, I will skin him, cut him, beat him and if he is still alive...oh then I will use John's gun. Boom. Bang. Dead.

"Sherlock put me down now please!" he moaned.


"Pretty please."

"No, and that doesn't work on me." within a few moments I felt a trust pushing downwards. "John, if you do that I'll let go and you will have a bruise on your bum."

"Oh come on, like he doesn't have one already. I bet his ass is blue all over because of your expert techniques!" Anderson called.

"Stop being so aggressive Anderson." Lecture calmed him down.

"Yea its not like its my fault you and Sally had a 'rough' night."

"And you should stop being so touchy, brother. His small, sized, ant's brain is overwhelmed with his sex problems." I hear John smirk. I looked at him in my arms. His every detail, nose, cheeks, lips, hair. He was like a small child that got hurt, and he needed me to take care of him. But why do I feel sad and wo-worried and...and needy of kissing and hugging him. I feel...[0\/€... 


My name is Sherlock Holmes and I'm a consulting detective. I lived alone for 9 years. I'm trying to stop smoking...its hard. I haven't got friends...just one. I have an arch enemy, also a villain that was trying to destroy me. I like experiments, but my roommate hates them. He is also my lover, my best friend and the only person I can let get close to me. I have an issue and that is I that I'm a sociopath, meaning I can still feel...but I can't feel it like other people. No, I am not normal and yea you might refer to me as weird and crazy but the meaning of those words means different than normal. But the meaning of normal is being the same as others but not one person, excluding twins, are the same. Every human is unique. Therefore, normal can not be a category for anyone to be put in. 

On the other hand I am classified as weird and abnormal because of my extreme intellect, also my sociopath 'problem'. But I want to learn how to feel correctly and I would love to make the right compliments at the right time. Another thing is that I would want to make my lover happy, exited, can and loved when I'm with him.

My name is Sherlock Holmes and I want to learn how to show and feel emotions like every other human would NORMALLY do.

(in a rewriting process) First impressionWhere stories live. Discover now