He's ganna be my toy!

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"What, I'm no ones!?!"

"No not yet." the man grinned and waved, I felt a light pinch on my neck, then I fell down.

~~some time later~~

My wrists hurt so did my ankles. I couldn't remember much. I opened my eyes to see that I'm in a bed, strapped to one actually.

"My, my John. Didn't know you wanted to be with me so bad, that you tied yourself to a bed." the man giggled and walked over to the bed. He had a messy shirt. He also had a tie which he was undoing. "You really shouldn't have. Now Johnny...my, my you look so new. I would love to be the first to play with you." the climbed in the bed like some kind of animal -HARRY HELP ME! HE IS LOONEY!!-

"B-but you...who are you?"

"You can call me master." the man got closer as he did he touched every inch of my body. As he got closer to my face, he brought his lips to my chest, neck__

"Sherlock!" I moaned. He stopped and furiously stared at me.

"Don't. ever. mention. him!" he was furious he ripped his shirt off and undressed me. He was rough but then weakened when he started to kiss me. It felt wrong, discussing and I hated his touch.

A loud noise of gun shots and shouting came from the other side of the door. Suddenly, someone busted inside. I couldn't see who but I could hear it breathe hard.

"Sir, sir MI5!" *Bang* something dropped. The 'master' got up and sat on near ne while someone ran inside. Who ever it was, they were angry.

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD!YOU MOTHER%$#@!!!I'M GANNA KILL YOU!" Sherlock came in shouting like hell. His eyes were cold, red with anger and were frightening. His clothes were ripped, hid face had blood on it but he had no scars.

"Oh my Sherlock. What did I do to get this surprise?" the master grinned at him like a madman. I looked over to Sherlock and he instantly averted his eyes to me.

"Sherlock...?" my voice was weak almost silent (<~~ Aaaaaa I think they are ganna invade us)


"CALM...down. Don't worry I didn't hurt My toy...why would I? I want him to be new for a little more...then I will__"

Sherlock went for Jim's neck. He grabbed it hard. I tried to stop him before he kills him...

"Sherlock! Don't Sherlock, he didn't hurt me! Stop!"

+++*hides away in bed*

I'm do sorry this is so short...plz don't kill me...and yea I know its crap...so sorry...I ganna make it up to you. just leave anything that you think should happen.

so so so so so so sorry!

I love yo all! thanks for reading!!!


(in a rewriting process) First impressionWhere stories live. Discover now