Chapter 25

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Rydel's Pov
*One week later*
Ellington has been kind of distant this week and I don't know why.

We are headed to the airport now so that we can fly to the Bahamas, I think I'm gonna talk to him on the plane about it.

When we finally got on the plane Ellington set down put in his headphones and kept looking at something on his phone and kept texting someone.

I got mad and I was so done, I got Rocky to trade seats with me and as soon as Rocky sat down Ellington started talking to him.
I went and sat next to Ross. He looked up at me and smiled "why are you here? Why aren't you with your boyfriend?" He said teasing me.
I ignored him and sat down. "Oh Rydel I didn't mean to, what happened?" He asked.

"Ellington is ignoring me, if you must know. And I don't know why so please don't ask." He looked at me with sympathy. I started to cry I got up and ran to the bathroom on the plane.

Soon I heard Ross's voice and then I heard Ellington's. He knocked on the door and I heard him sigh. "So you're not gonna talk to me still wow." I said still sobbing.

"Rydel I, cheated." That's all I heard I don't remember anything else before I blacked out.
Ellington's Pov
It got really quiet I couldn't hear her and it scared me. I turned around to see Ross's face red. "You cheated on her? What the hell man?" He pushed me.

"Look I didn't mean to I got drunk last night when me and Riker went out and I woke up in bed with another girl." I explained.

He still looked pissed. "Listen I know you're pissed at me I'm pissed at myself but right now Rydel is in there and she's not making noise and we need to get her out." I said worried.

He soon ran back with the key that he got from the flight attendant he pushed me out of the way with a furious Riker standing behind him. When they opened the door Rydel was laying there and she was breathing. The airplane was about to land and they came and helped us get her but I was pushed away.

Riker's Pov

When we finally got off the plane Ross, Mom, and I took Rydel to the hotel. We laid her down and let mom take care of her. I'm was furious with Ellington I knew he disappeared that night but I didn't know why.

Soon Ellington bursted in the door. "Dude get out." I said as calm as possible. "No Riker she's my girlfriend and I'm gonna be here with her whether you like it or not" He yelled. "Fine but just so you know she's not gonna wake up and just run to your arms, you can sit her with her and everything but it will never change the fact that you CHEATED on her. You're so disgusting." he looked down and I saw tears running down his face.

"RIKER ANTHONY, leave the poor boy alone." My mom yelled. "He cheated on Rydel mom!" I yelled. "Don't yell at me and don't you see how disappointed he is in himself, What if you cheated on Savannah you'd still want to be there right?"

"yes." I replied honestly. "Listen Ellington I'm sorry I was just so mad, hope I didn't hurt you too bad" I said regretting my last words. "It's okay I deserved that." he said, as we both waited on Rydel to wake up.

Rydel's Pov

I woke in a different bed. Where am I? I looked over and saw Riker I smiled, he smiled back "Hey Rydel, how are you feeling?" he asked concerned. "I'm good my head hurts a little." I said still slightly asleep. "Yeah when you blacked out you hit your head on the sink in the airplane bathroom." he said. Oh yeah we were on the plane going to the Bahamas, but why did I blackout? I looked over to the other side and saw Ellington, oh that why. He cheated, he cheated, he cheated. That was all that was running through my head. I wasn't good enough he need more someone better, prettier, someone that was not me.

Tears started to run down my face. I couldn't stop them, I wanted to be brave and strong to show him I didn't care but I did. He looked up and I saw his face his eyes were bloodshot red and he had tears streaming down his face. He looked at me and could only say one thing before he started to cry. He whispered 3 words that meant so much to me. " I'm so sorry." I stood up and walked over to him and did the one thing I knew he needed. I hugged him.

We stood there hugging and crying. Now you're probably thinking Rydel why would you do that he cheated on you. But I know Ellington, I know how big his heart is he would never intentionally mean to hurt me. That's one thing I love about him. When he finally calmed down I noticed that Riker had left the room. We walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Now explain please..."

A/n: this book is almost over :( It will end on about chapter thirty I think I'm not entirely sure. The book will be finished by the end of July though and in August I'll start my Ross Fan fiction. I will be updating tomorrow night or Wednesday I promise (:

<3 Gabby

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