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Day of wedding
September 2, 2016
Rydel's Pov
Today's Ellington and I's third year anniversary but it's also now our wedding date. Officially my favorite day ever. It's only 8am and it's already hectic, we have pictures with bridesmaids and groomsmen first at 1:30 then the weddings at 3:00 and more pictures of Ell and I at 4:00 and lastly the reception at 5:00. Right now the girls and I are getting hair and make up done.

Picking bridesmaids was a little hard but with the help of my wonderful mom it was possible.
The ones chosen were Courtney Eaton, Savannah Latimer, Alexa Dowd, Savannah Hudson , Beauty as the junior bridesmaid and Maid of honor Lori Crow.

All together I think it's turned out perfect and it's been a long year leading up to this but I'm ready. I think.

Ellington's Pov
3 years. Bestfriends. Lovers. Together forever after today. It's all so surreal. I'm getting married to the love of my life today.

We chose tuxes and ties to wear. As one Rydel and I decided pink as the color all for her. My choice was for the groomsmen and myself of course to wear converse along with the bridesmaids. Deciding groomsmen was easy, best man eh not so much. I decided upon...

Groomsmen: Riker Lynch, Ross Lynch, Ryland Lynch, Brandon Hudson, and Best man Rocky Lynch.

( Time skip to pictures for the groomsmen)

"Okay now line up so we can get a picture and Rydel requested you all smile just for a couple pictures." The photographer said.

We all stood together and smiled taking multiple pictures till the photographer thought that it was enough, which took forever.

Rydel's Pov
(Skipping to after all the pictures. Now there is about 30 minutes till the wedding)
"Okay, um what's left?" I said pacing back and forth.
"Rydel, calm yourself it's gonna be perfect. Don't worry about anything the rest is left to us and the boys. Enjoy your wedding!" Courtney said calming me.
"Your right I'm just gonna chill we have 25 minutes." I said sitting down.
Soon Ross came in the room. He looked around and saw Courtney and soon they were out the door.
Mom came and sat next to me. "I can't believe my baby girl is getting married." She exclaimed her eyes starting to water.
"Aw mom." I hugged her. "I remember the day you came home and told me you liked Ellington just like it was yesterday."

"Mom I'm home!"
"Oh hey sweetie I'm in the kitchen!"
Rydel walks in the kitchen putting her dance bag down on the floor.
"Where's the boys?"
"At the studio still they had to run a few more numbers but I was done for the day so Jamie's mom dropped me off"
"Oh that was sweet of her wasn't it? Anything new at dance?"
"Well there is one thing.."
"What is it sweetheart?" Stormie asked as she put the casserole into the oven.
"We all met a boy and he's the cutest, sweetest thing ever mom!"
"Ooh my baby's got a crush! What's his name? And we?"
"Yeah we well actually Ross met him first but he introduced all of us. His name is Ellington." Rydel said dreamily.
"We'll just have to see where this goes now won't we?" Stormie said hugging Rydel.
"I guess we will" Rydel whispered hugging her mom back.
End of flashback

By the end of the flash back both women were laughing. "That was a day wasn't it?" Stormie said laughing.
"Yes, yes it was" "I love you mom so much, thank you for everything." I said my eyes now tearing up.
"I love you too sweetie now don't cry you'll mess up your beautiful make up." Stormie said smiling and hugging her daughter.
"Rydel, Stormie we have 3 minutes!" Lori yelled as she grabbed her flowers and gave Rydel hers.
Let's do this! I guess..
I walked up and saw dad standing there waiting. "You look gorgeous, Rydel."
"Thank you daddy. I love you."I said
hugging him.
"I love you too sweet heart" he hugged me back. Well here we go.

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