Chapter 11

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Ellington's Pov

It's been two weeks I've haven't really left the hospital. I look like shit and I feel like shit. Ross is home now they won't let anyone but me, Stormie, and Mark see Rydel and we don't know why. Ross is depressed, Riker barley talks, Rocky is always locked up in his and Riker's room and Ryland is emotionless. Stormie cries constantly, and Mark is also emotionless. Rydel was the glue in our lives and she's still in coma. As for me I'm completely broken no one can fix me. I need my princess.

Rydel's Pov

I keep seeing this dream, it's different though, in this one Ellington treats me like a princess, he's always there, it's the Ellington I know and the one I love. I need to wake up, come on Rydel open your eyes, come on! Then I hear this "Delly! Delly! Come on you almost have your eyes open come on!" I hear Ell scream, his voice sounds so broken. Then I see a bright light and I feel my body being hugged. "You're awake!" He screams with joy. 

Then the nurse I think? Anyway she comes in and I see my mom and dad standing there crying and smiling with happiness. After all the excitement, I ask 1 question "What Happened?" As soon as I said that Ellington's face dropped. He told me everything I was not mad at him he tried to save me but he saw my scars my razors my depression. He's never gonna like me! As I lay there with him beside me he sits up and says "If you want to cut yourself, then you're gonna take my arm, look me in the eyes, and cut me as many times as you would yourself." I told him: "I couldn't hurt you like that, and then I understood everything."

A/n: Rydels awake!

She's not afraid of Ell.

He's so sweet in this chapter I want a boy like him.


Gabby 😘

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