Chapter Four

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Alessandra Russo -

" Peter what about that project "I said. " Signora it's succeed " Peter smiling . " That's a perfect news , you can leave now " I ordered . He leaves . I open my phone and click on the app where I can see my Amber . Oh! He is in the hospital ummm impressive.  Last night when I am kissing him in the alleyway ,I put a micro camera in his locket and I hack the cctv camera's of the hospital were he had an operation to do. I also installed hidden cameras in his penthouse in every corner and follow him in every social media like Facebook Twitter Instagram, etc. with lots of fake id .I told Peter to bring all the information related to Rehansh and my loyal guard bought that for me within twenty minutes. Um.. that kiss it's was freaking crazy and incredible. I starts thinking about him.He has a good body and soul too . I saw him helping a child in street .


Yesterday night

I finish my paper work in the office and thought about to have a walk in the street alone . I always do without taking any guards with me . For seeing that is anything wrong happening or not . I told Peter and Louis to not follow me . They are so stubborn and faithful to me that I know they were keeping eye on me by hiding in the shadow . Then I saw him . Mr. Rehansh Chaturvedi the Doctor. Angry bird . And fucking mine .He was wearing a white shirt and grey trouser, helmet in hand , wearing a watch it's a branded one .  He was about to go towards the parking lot then a child came asking him for food he agreed and take her to the nearest hotel for food. I followed him. After a while he came out with the child . The girl child thank him and he pulled her cheeks amusedly. The girl went away . He starts walking .I followed him and when I saw a secluded area , I pull him towards the darkest corner of the that alleyway . I was wearing a skull mask so that he can't able to identify anything about me .
"What are doing ? Who are yo-" he stop saying and tries to identify me . I caged him in that way that his all generations can't able to free him from me. He smells a little bit of blood type maybe he has operated an operation a while ago . He tried to protest again and before he could do that , I stop him by crushing my lips on his soft lips . I kiss him slowly , teasingly and giving all my obsession in it . I want to possessed him . Claim him as mine . He tried to escape but he can't. Then he stop and taking my kiss. He didn't stop me . And I take it as yes and kiss him hungrily like a fucking freaking monster . I pulled back to see him . His face red , confuse and those beautiful amber eyes were staring at me. Observing me. Calculating everything. Trying to solve the situation. He was about to say something and I silenced him with one more fierce, hungry, passionate and searing kiss . About fifteen minutes later , I pulled back and both of us breathing heavily and I said "you think you can escape me Amber ? You can't, you are cage  to me, you belong to me . And anybody tries to touch you or love you ,I will fucking pull out there fucking soul from there fucking filthy body . You are fucking mine . " He stares at me with confusion . A sound distract us , he moved his head and I take the chance get out from there . I hide behind the phone booth , he is searching for me desperately. I get out from there and call Peter " bring the car I want to go to hospital for changing my bandage ." He said " okay signora ". I hang up the call.  Rehansh already walked out towards the hospital parking lot . He prescribed me to change the bandages everyday whenever I get time. So , I will use it to see him again.When I went to the hospital, I saw he is gone . So , I told my guards to take me to his penthouse before him. After a while I addressed there before Rehansh and unlocked the door by hacking the security lock and went inside . I sit on his couch and waiting for him . The sound of his bike came . He arrived . Hehe . Baby you have a surprise. And it's me . He opened the door and turn on the lights and get horribly shocked like he saw a ghost . He scold at me " What the fuck are you doing here Miss Russo ? . How dare you to come to my place without my permission?. " He glare at me with anger . I never have to ask and what I want right now is you Mr. Chaturvedi. My breath , my soul , my sunshine , my everything . I said emotionlessly " We didn't find you at  the hospital so we came here " I points towards my  bodyguards. " I came here for dressing of my wounds so do fast I have more works " .  He said with frustration " what do you think you think about yourself Miss Russo .? Huh ? ."   He take a big calculative steps towards me . Ummm impressive my man . I am just staring at him with no expression. I take the knife from the fruit basket and pinned him to the nearest wall and point it towards his Adam apple which I will definitely devour when I get the chance . He starts stuttering. Awww my babyboy don't get panic . I will not hurt you never ever . I will hurt everyone including me too but not you . I am void if you didn't exist . I said " do what I said to you " and leave him . I don't want to but I leave him . He starts changing my bandages. His touch flaring fire in my body . How much I need him. Want him. Keep him. Forever . He finished bandaging I wear my T-shirt and went outside towards the exit door . I turn and give with a wide smirk . He got confused. And I love it when he gets puzzled . I went outside sit inside the car and went towards my mansion . On the way I was just thinking about him. His eyes , his smell , his closeness , his lips on mine . Fuck. It's erotic . I pulled out the T-shirt of him . I steal it from his wardrobe. And smelling it . Hugging it .

                     PRESENT TIME

After remembering all this my smile widened. " Huh! I will definitely make you mine Mr. Chaturvedi it's my promise and you will love me too. " A sighed left my mouth and Louis enter my office " signora may I come in " . I nod he place some important file related to my dream project  Galaxies and related to Cammora too.  Day before yesterday we collected lots of guns and drugs . We kept the guns and destroyed the drugs . And kill the smugglers . They also assigned for killing me so I killed them mercilessly. Louis spoke and I came out from my thoughts "Signora , I arranged all files you want to see. " I nod and said him to leave . He left and I start seeing the files and analysing it . Ulalalala interesting one. Rehansh's father is a famous and top most jeweller of India " Mr. Hriday Chaturvedi" and his mother is a house wife " Mrs. Srilekha Chaturvedi" and his sister " Miss Rehana Chaturvedi" is a famous fashion designer. That's pretty good . I kept the file aside and pick up the cammora related file . A smirk appear in my face .

" Do whatever Lorenzo can't win me at any cost .. " I close the file and throw it in the dustbin because it's useless and lean on my chair and  close my eyes thinking about Rehansh . My unholy obsession .

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