Chapter 11

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 As the evening wore on, Chris remained unconscious. Phoebe and Coop had to head home to care for their youngest child, and a relieved Billie returned to her place, telling Eve she was always available to talk. Eve apologized again to her adoptive mother for causing worry.

Seeing how late it had become, Piper suggested that Eve get some fresh air and take a break. Piper and Leo promised to look after Chris until he woke up. Eve hesitated, but Wyatt suggested they go for a drink somewhere. After everything that had happened, she agreed, thinking it might help her clear her mind.

At the bar, Wyatt tried his best to be kind and supportive. Eve, still wary, suspected he might be trying to take advantage of the situation. Sensing her doubt, Wyatt assured her that his attempts to flirt were a thing of the past. "I'm not a teenager anymore. I don't want to betray my brother, especially after everything he's done for me and our family."

Eve, trying to lighten the mood, awkwardly joked, "It must be hard to resist right now."

Wyatt laughed. "Even if you ended up hating Chris, I know you wouldn't want me. I figured that out a long time ago."

Eve smiled, teasing him, "Yeah, you're probably right." She then grew more serious. "What exactly happened since Chris... You know...? Do you know what he remembers?"

Wyatt took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "It's been tough for him. His memories are coming back in bits and pieces, and it's overwhelming. Every time he gets a significant memory, it knocks him out. Two lives, it's a lot of mess, and it's taking a toll on him."

Eve nodded, her expression pained. "I had no idea it was this bad. He never showed me how much he was struggling."

"How could he? You were hiding from him...," Wyatt explained. "He needs you, Eve. You're such an important part of his life. I think remembering you is what's causing him the most pain, but it's also what could help him heal."

Eve's eyes filled with tears. "I feel so helpless. I don't know how to help him, Wyatt. I don't even know if he wants my help."

"He does," Wyatt assured her. "He's just scared. Scared of hurting you, scared of facing his own emotions. But he needs to know you're there for him. That you still care."

Eve wiped her eyes, nodding. "I'll try. I just... I hope he knows how much he means to me."

"He does," Wyatt said softly. "He might not remember everything yet, but he feels it. He feels your love. And that's a powerful thing, Eve. Don't give up on him."

"But... what about that Bianca he talked about? I can't stop thinking about her..." Eve said, her voice trembling.

Wyatt looked at her, uncertain. "Honestly, I don't know much about Bianca. Chris hasn't mentioned her to me at all, even though we've been talking more than we ever did before."

Eve sighed, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. "I don't understand. If she was so important to him, why hasn't he said anything? And why did he push me away because of her?"

Wyatt shook his head. "I wish I had answers for you. Chris's memories are still fragmented, and he might not even remember everything about Bianca himself. Or at least... maybe the memories of you are stronger and are taking over..."

Eve stared into her drink, feeling a pang of sadness. "It's just... it's hard not knowing where I stand. Was I ever really important to him, or was it always her?"

"All I can say is that he was talking about you a lot and not a word on that girl." Wyatt reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Eve, you were more than important to him. From the few memories he's shared, it's clear you mean a lot to him."

"I'm still trying to understand why he went through all of this, what this time travel thing was about?"

Wyatt hesitated for a moment, then sighed, knowing he couldn't avoid the explanation. "It's a long story. In an alternate reality where things went terribly wrong. When we were kids, demons corrupted me, and I became one of them. Chris spent his entire life fighting against me. To save me from that fate, he traveled back in time to change things."

Eve's eyes widened in surprise. "So, he went back in time to prevent you from turning into a demon?"

"Exactly," Wyatt said. "He changed so many things that, in the process, he almost erased his own existence. But he managed to save me from that dark path. The problem is, changing the past also altered his own life and the people he met or didn't meet."

He paused, looking pained. "While he was back in time, Chris was killed by an Elder who had gone mad. When that happened, his spirit was sent back to our present, which is why everything got so messed up."

Eve took in the information, her face pale as the realization sunk in. "So, when Chris collapsed the first time in our bed, he had just come back from the past... from dying?"

Wyatt nodded. "Yes. It must have been overwhelming for him to come back like that, disoriented and lost."

Eve fell silent, processing the gravity of what Wyatt had shared. The weight of Chris's struggle and sacrifice was beginning to make more sense to her. They finished their drinks in contemplative silence, both absorbed in their thoughts.

As they headed back to the manor, the air between them was heavy with reflection. Eve knew the road ahead was still uncertain, but understanding Chris's ordeal brought her one step closer to making sense of the fractured pieces of their lives.

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