Chapter 13

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Chris looked deeply into Eve's eyes. The air felt heavy with anticipation and emotion.

"I remembered something last night," he began, his voice steady but filled with vulnerability. He then orbed to the attic of the manor.

Eve made them visible again. "What is it?"

"Something very important." Chris started. "When I was in the past, my family used this hiding spot to send me a message across time. And curiously, the me from this new reality had also hidden something crucial here for his future."

Eve watched in silent confusion as Chris continued to kneel on the floor, pulling at a creaky floorboard. As he revealed the hidden compartment beneath, her curiosity grew. She could only see his back as he carefully lifted a small, polished box.

When Chris turned around, his eyes locked onto Eve's with a mix of hope and apprehension. He held the ring box open, revealing a beautiful engagement ring nestled inside. Eve's breath caught in her throat, and she could hardly believe what she was seeing. Her emotions surged—shock, confusion, and a deep, poignant love.

Chris's voice was soft but resolute. "I've always known I wanted to spend my life with you. I wanted to propose to you when we turned eighteen, I even went to bought a ring, but it was so expensive I couldn't. I wanted it to be perfect for you, so it took me years to afford it. I hid it here, waiting for the right moment. It was the day before I lost my memory, I had it all ready. If only things had been different by one day."

He took a deep breath, the gravity of his confession clear in his eyes. "But now is the time. I don't want to waste any more time or risk losing you again. Losing you has always been my greatest fear. I've had nightmares about it since we were young. But I don't want to be afraid anymore. My world revolves around you. I am nothing without you."

He looked up at her, his eyes filled with sincerity and love. "Eve, will you marry me?"

Eve stood there, stunned into silence, the magnitude of his words and the symbol of his commitment overwhelming her. The room was filled with an almost palpable intensity, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. She looked at the ring, then back at Chris, feeling a deep and complex mixture of emotions.

Finally, her voice broke through the silence, tremulous yet filled with emotion. "Chris, I—I don't know what to say."

Chris's heart sank slightly at her hesitation, but he remained on one knee, his gaze never leaving hers. The future of their relationship hung in the balance, and he could only hope that the depth of his feelings and the significance of the moment would bridge the gap between their past and their present.

Eve dropped to her knee and looked at Chris with a mix of disbelief and emotion. "Chris, you're not 'nothing' without me. Your life has value on its own, and you don't need anyone to make that true."

Chris's eyes softened as he recalled those moments when Eve had reassured him, lifting him from his self-doubt. Her words had always been a beacon for him, guiding him through his darkest times. "You've told me that so many times before, especially when I was feeling like I was living in my brother's shadow."

She took a deep breath, still grappling with the magnitude of his proposal. "Are you serious about this? I mean, really serious?" She asked, looking at the ring.

Chris nodded firmly, his resolve unwavering. "Dead serious. I've waited long enough. I know it's not easy, given everything we've been through, but I want to show you that I'm sincere and committed to you."

Without another word, Eve wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply. The passion and longing they had both felt came pouring out in that moment. Between kisses, Chris whispered, "I've missed this."

Eve pulled back slightly, her eyes sparkling. "I've missed it, too."

"So, does this mean yes?"

Eve's smile was radiant as she replied, "Yes."

Chris's heart swelled with hope and relief as he gently took her hand, sliding the engagement ring onto her finger. He looked at her with a mixture of joy and tenderness.

They held each other close, the world outside seeming to fade away. The warmth of their embrace and the significance of the moment enveloped them completely. In that shared, silent space, their past, their present, and their future felt perfectly aligned. They were finally together in a way that felt both healing and whole, a promise of a new beginning. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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