Chapter 11

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Tony POV

The kid just suddenly pulled up his knees to his chest and closed his eyes really tight, his head tilted downwards a little bit, kind of like he's praying. His head sagged against his chest, his eyes still closed shut, he passed out. Wait why did he pass out ? He seemed to be fine, if a little bit jumpy and maybe loud.

Bruce moved and examined him, checking for wounds even though there are none. A sort of confused, questionable sound made it's way out of Bruce's mouth. He looked up, his expression made him look like he's thinking about a million things and finding their solutions at the same time. He then grabbed the kid's wrist and checked his pulse while looking at his watch.

" what ? " Bruce muttered almost inaudibly. I went over to him and looked at him questionably. He beckoned to his watched and to the kid's wrist. I shook my head, clueless. Bruce sighed and got up, making me follow behind.

" Percy's heart is beating really fast, like really, really fast, " Bruce muttered quietly, looking behind his back for some reason. The others were busy arguing about something while Fury just sat there shaking his head and rolling his eye every once in a while.

" How fast ? " He looked at me then checked his watch again. Looking back at Percy, I saw that some agents are carrying him to a waiting stretcher and after a word with Fury they left without a single word.

" Almost over 300 bpm, " after hearing that I almost chocked at my own spit. How can somebody have a heart that can beat really, really fast ? He shouldn't even be alive, how is that possible ? That is inhuman, well I suppose that that is possible to Percy here since he just explained to us that he's half god. I gotta say, when he said that I was confused, excited and morally afraid at the same exact time if that's even possible, but I guess it's possible since I felt that way.

Bruce turned around and began explaining why Percy passed out. " I don't know why Percy passed out but he isn't in any harm. He just simply passed out, possibly from exhaustion or a sign of a flashback powerful enough to force a person out of their consciousness to relieve it. " Fury nodded and said something that really put me on edge for some reason.

" Okay well Percy will now be staying at stark Towers, if he does anything suspicious, report it to me and if he does something dangerous, well I'll leave that to you. " I made a stuttering noise, making all the guys to stare at me.

" Why does he get to stay at the tower, he could ruin it, " I whined. All of them rolled their eyes at me or eye at Fury's case. " Because I said so, " Fury snapped before he left. Man he has style, making all entrances and leaves like that, it's so cool.

Reluctantly, I nodded and agreed to this horrible idea, even if I don't agree Fury will do it anyway.

When we got back to my tower, the first thing I did is check were they put the kid in. They put him in one of the cells below the tower levels, that would be terrifying as I've never been down there and I don't even know why I designed cells into my tower in the first place.

We watched a couple of movies and argued about who's the hottest from the hunger games while Natasha just ate popcorn and shook her head, rolling her eyes every one in a while.

We then had this contest, who would drink more cokes in one minute. I was up against Thor, Clint, Steve and Bruce. Let the challenge begin.

Sadly, I lost the challenge. I was so close, but Thor beat me. He seemed so happy about it that he cheered so loud that I'm sure the people out on the streets could here him.

Well after that I called it a night and went to bed, as did the others but more grumpily.I'm sure that the next couple of days will be fairly interesting seeing that we have another person on deck.

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