Chapter 19

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Percy's dream

" You never cease to amaze me, young Percy, " a chilling voice rang out in the darkness of my mysterious dream. Suddenly, I was blinded, everything came to light, gold, silver, black and red but more importantly, purple, a dark purple that seemed to take shape of a person, a huge person, almost the size of the hulk.

" Who are you? " My voice was hoarse, cracking and weak. The purple thing, boomed with laughter, it's beady, shark like eyes watching me in a calculating way, almost like how Natasha looks when she's interrogating someone, only except that, that thing, is more scary, if that's even possible.

" All in due time, Percy Jackson, all in due time..." Everything was fading in and out, turning murky like ink in water. I was waking up. The last thing I saw, was a giant gold glove on a purple hand before everything went away.

End of Percy's dream.

I shot out of bed, sweat dribbling from my hot forehead, my breath short and heavy. From my peripheral vision, I saw a mop of curly brown hair and a lab coat rushing towards me, Dr Banner. He began talking but I couldn't hear him over the blood rushing in my ears or the loud beating of my erratic heart. 

Seeing him dew hand gestures, I realized that he was telling me to breath and I did, slowly, every inhale and exhale was relaxing me and stabilizing my wild heartbeat. It took a few seconds for me to get my bearings but I managed.

" Good to see you're awake Percy,  we were all worried, " my face held a ghost of a smile but then it disappeared once I looked around, we were definitely not at the tower, and judging by the number of people wearing black suits, I'd say that we were back at SHIELD headquarters.

" What happened? " My voice cracked but when I took a sip of the water held out from Banner, I immediately felt strong and healthy. I got up and stretched, my joints cracking from lack of movement spent hours on the bed.

" Well, after the top floor of the tower blew up, you saved us from death and collapsed in exhaustion. We're now at the Triskelion infirmary, but we'll be staying here until the tower is repaired, turns out the lower levels were also damaged when the top floor kind of blew up into the sky, " Banner awkwardly finished of. 

Chuckling, I let Banner remove the IV from the crook of my arm and hand me some new clothes then left to let me change. It was a simple pair of black jeans, a sea green shirt and some converse. I splashed some water on my face and finished off the water bottle before going out and walking with Banner to where I believe is the meeting room.

" Mr Jackson, from what we know, we believe that the cause of the explosion was the chemicals at Banner's and Stark's lab at the top floor, where everyone was lounging at, correct? " I nodded, uncomfortable with the amount of eyes on me.

" Yes Mr Fury, I sensed something bad was going to happen and when I went to talk to Tony about something, I found that the lab was empty but all the chemicals they were working on were bubbling, it didn't take me long to figure out that there was going to be an explosion but I knew it was going to be bad so I warned them. The level flew off the tower and I held it up with my powers until we were safely on the ground, then I passes out from exhaustion, "  part of that was true. The only part I didn't tell him was that I didn't know that there was going to be an explosion, I was possessed and that thing spilled his beans.

Fury's one eye watched me sternly, intimidating me, it kinda looked like the look I got from that purple dude from my dream, weird. He then nodded slowly and disappeared out of the room, leaving me and the Avengers behind.

" Okay, 1, good to see you awake and well, alive, and 2, what you did was awesome! Even if I wasn't conscious to see it, I hacked the security cameras and saw the whole thing! It was awesome!, " Tony babbled, excitement in his voice. The others only smiled and rolled their eyes at Tony. I leaned back into my chair as the people I call family conversed in front of me, family... something I hadn't felt like I had in months.

Whatever happens, next, I knew that they all had my back, no matter how bad the situation is, they'll always have my back no matter what, cause that's what family are for.

" We're going to get some shawarma, you coming kid? " Tony called from the door. I got up and heading towards them, nodding my head, a genuine smile on my face.

" Yeah. "

And there it is! My new chapter! I apologize for not updating sooner but I did now and I hoped you enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

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