Chapter 18

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( Thoughts in Italics is the real Percy, regular is the possessed Percy )

Percy POV

   The next day was weird. It was like my body was on autopilot or something, I just couldn't stop myself from doing anything, it wasn't in my will. This thing or spirit that possessed me or something like that, it's strong, very strong. I could tell that it's planning something, something big. And I undoubtedly believe that it will cause harm to me and my new family, it will be all my fault.

   ' Who are you? '  

   ' Let's just say, I'm the one that will destroy your little friends and will be your downfall, ' I voice in my head said darkly. I was panicking, I have to find a way to break free of this invisible hold and take over my own body.

   " Hey Percy, where're you going? " Tony asked. I wanted to scream at him, let him know that it's not me, that something very bad will happen today, but nothing I happened, I just smiled, or rather, possessed me smiled and replied.

   " Breakfast, I'm hungry. Want to join me? " Tony nodded, walking with me towards the kitchen.

   ' Enjoy the show, ' I heard in my mind. Oh no.

   ' Just leave them alone, please, take me instead of them. '

   ' No can do. '

   Tony grabbed at the sandwich that was in the plate in front of him and hungrily went to attack it. I knew then that something was wrong, all of the food in front of the avengers were laced with something strong, something only half god or god could pick up, and unfortunately, Thor wasn't here to warn them, and I couldn't either. The food was laced with nectar, something deadly to human and could obliterate them to ashes. 

   Something must have spiked within me seeing as my voice rang through the noisy kitchen and stopped them from taking the first bite.

   " Stop! " That was me, the real me, not the possessed me. They all stopped and looked at me, their eyebrows raised. 

   " What? " Tony asked, aggravated that he didn't satisfy his growling stomach. I gasped as a strong force pushed me back in my mind, the spirit or whatever it is taking over once again, seemingly angry and afraid that I took over my body and mind already.

   " I thought I heard something in the lab, " what are you- oh no. This is bad, this very very bad. Tony and Bruce were inventing this confusing missile thing that was all chemical and machine constructed. It was something Fury wanted for some reason and not to mention highly lethal. I have an idea about it going off.

   The avengers all got up, following Tony and Bruce down the hall and towards their lab. I was internally fighting for control over my body, trying to get back so I could warn them to not go in there. 

   ' Say goodbye Percy. ' That only made me fight harder, slowly but surely winning and feeling the spirit leave my body. It must have thought that it would be too late before I got back to my rightful state and mind, that the avengers would have long been dead. But I guess it was wrong.

   Just as about they were going to step inside, I shot my hands up, water exploding from the pipe works in the walls. I guess something happened since a huge explosion rang out, throwing all of us back. If it wasn't for my water shield sort of thing, the avengers plus me would have died in an instant.

   We were flung back into walls or each other, utterly confused before going into high alert. But then that faded into utter fear as to we were now in mid air, and falling towards the ground. Let me elaborate. Since we were at the top floor in the avenger's tower, the whole floor seemingly disconnected with the rest of the tower, now sailing towards the ground.Everybody tried to get up and find a way to stop this but they all ended up falling back down, gravity not helping them in the least.

   " Everybody hold on to something and make sure Bruce doesn't go into Hulk mood! " I screamed at everyone. And with all of my power, I made each and every particle in the air hold the floor up, keeping everyone from falling at the non-existent tile that once connected the floor to the tower. 

   The particles and the water from the pipes were holding the tower up and slowly lowering it to the ground, into an area that didn't have screaming people. My power was draining and my vision was going in and out of focus, but I held on until the level was safely put on the ground.

   I looked around me to find everyone either unconscious or barely holding up on the mess of concrete and pipe works. Staggering towards each of my teammates, I willed my last power to heal each and everyone who was injured, that included the civilians as well. 

   As soon as the healing was done, I collapsed to my knees, my breathing shallow and my eyes hazy and unfocused. The others started the wake up, but I couldn't hear whatever they were saying. I let out a groan of the pain that was spiking in my head then fell backwards as the darkness concumed me.

   Tony POV

   When I woke up, I couldn't remember what had happened. One second I was stepping in my lab, and the next thing I see is a wall of water then a giant explosion. We were all flung back like rag dolls and the horrifying feeling or free falling reminds me too much of what had happened back at the heli carrier when Loki wanted to take over the world. 

   We were falling but  couldn't remember anything else seeing as I hit my head into a wall pretty hard and was knocked out almost instantly. next thing I know, I was waking up with no headache surprisingly and a terrifying view. 

   The top level in my tower, torn off and flung into the sky, now on the ground completely ruined. Who did this? I shook my head and stood up, looking around to find that everybody was also waking up, some with blood on their clothes but no injuries visible.

   I looked to where Percy was to see him fall over, passing out. I rushed towards him to see that he was completely knocked out, no injuries sustained but covered in sweat. He must have been the one that made the wall of water that had saved us from the explosion that would have killed us for sure. He must have been the one to hold the torn level in mid air then gently lower it to the ground as well, not to mention heal our wounds. He must have been exhausted, no wonder he passed out.

   " What the hell happened? " Clint asked, rubbing his neck. He looked around, bewildered, then looked concerned as he say a passed out Percy.

   " I have no idea, but there was an explosion that have blown up the level we were in, we'd be dead if it weren't for fish boy here, " I explained to him and the others as they had gathered around. 

   " How did the explosion happen, especially if the missile Fury wanted wasn't even half finished? " Bruce asked. 

   " I don't know, but we have got to get out of here, " I said as I looked around, seeing the frightened civilians running away.

   They all nodded and we went back to the tower, Steve carrying Percy while we quickly returned back to the tower, going into the top level, or the new top level seeing as my last level is down to the ground and ruined beyond repair. I would have to build another one, oh well, another excuse to construct something way cooler.

   Bruce went to the infirmary and hooked the teenage fish brain to an IV and checked for injuries, as well as checking us for injures. After being checked, we all went to do something after being tired of just waiting for Percy to wake up.

   But in the end, we all went to bed seeing as that fall really messed us up. What caused the explosion and who was responsible for it? And when I find out who, they are gonna wish they had never been born, cause nobody messes with my family, even if I don't like to admit it, I care about the avengers, and I definitely care about my tower.   

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