Chapter Seven

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As the weeks passed by, it got even worse.

Barry and I would sneak in little kisses, touches and hand-holdings when Felicity wasn't looking or when we were alone. While I was at a meeting, Roy and Diggle would groan every five minutes because I kept stopping to text. Felicity wanted to know who I was texting; every time I said it was either Joe, Laurel, or Tommy. I couldn't let her know that I was texting Barry - she'd start to ask questions and it would get wild.

Christmas is the day after tomorrow, and we're inviting everyone - meaning my family and Barry's; I asked Fel if she wanted her mom to come over, and she shut me down before the question even got completely out of my mouth - over for dinner, after a huge party at the Starling Ballroom. Felicity's been decorating the tree with Barry, who's been glowing and happy since he got his cast taken off. His stitches have also disappeared, and he still has to be careful, but other than that, he's all good.

"Oliver, c'mere!" Barry calls from the living room. "Come see the tree!"

I put down the frosting tube that I was using to decorate gingerbread and go into the living room. The tree is now decorated in white and gold. The presents underneath are wrapped in white and gold paper, and I smile. Felicity's putting on the star, and Barry's smiling wide at me.

"How'd we do?" Felicity climbs down the ladder and comes over and gives me a kiss. "I think we did pretty good, if you ask me."

"It looks beautiful," I say, smiling down at her and hugging her waist. "But not as beautiful as you." She giggles and hugs my neck, kissing my cheek.

"Oh! I need to tell you, before I forget," Felicity says as she moves to look at me. "I'm going to my mom's house after the Christmas party, and I should be staying a couple days there."

I furrow my brow. "Why's that?"

"She wants me to spend at least some of the holiday with her." She gives me an apologetic look and a sympathetic smile. "I know, you'll miss me, but you can sleep with Barry if you really need to cuddle."

I try to laugh normally, but I can feel my entire body turn to water. Pros - I'll have two, maybe three days with Barry, alone, and I don't have to worry about Felicity coming in. Cons - I'll be alone. With Barry. Barry. For two to three days.

I knock the thought out and smile at her. "I guess I can snuggle you more tomorrow night to get me through."

"Ugh, stop being so cute, you little buttface." She kisses my cheek. "I'll go finish decorating those cookies, okay?"

"Be my guest." And she's gone, fluttering into the kitchen like some Christmas fairy. I kneel down beside Barry.

"So." Barry puts his hands in his lap. "We're gonna be alone. For two or three days."

"Yep." I rub the back of my neck. "Are we gonna sleep together or...?"

"Depends. Do you mean sleep together or sleep together?"

"I dunno. Maybe start with just sleep?"

"Let's see how everything goes." Barry looks at me now. "But to be honest, I don't think I'm quite ready to-"

"Oh, yeah, definitely, understandable," I say. "I'm not gonna pressure you into this. When you're ready, you're ready." I take his hand. "I'm ready when you are, Barry."

He leans over and gives me a peck on the lips. "I honestly don't know when I'll be able to, though..."

"That's okay! That's completely okay." I scan the room quickly over my shoulder, then I go back to him, leaning in, and murmur, "But as soon as you're ready, you better believe that I'm taking you right to bed. With your consent, of course."

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