Day One

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High school. Or as most students would call it: prison.
I am one of the students that call it prison, because of how everyone treats me.
I was very unpopular among most kids. Only the students from my music class liked me. 
There are only a few students that are popular enough that they’re known school wide, one of those students was Deadpool, who is (in my opinion) a complete bastard. 
I didn’t get how he was so  popular. He is the most immature, inappropriate, Irresponsible, and Irritating person in the world. 
He flirts with everyone that takes interest in him, which is basically the whole school, including some of the teachers. (So unprofessional)
 Deadpool used to be fond of the popular guys, but now I think he is stalking me. Literally every corner I turn I see him staring at me, sometimes he even has his phone pointed at me. 
One time, he even embarrassed me when I was staring at my crush down the hall.
“I know you love  touching my locker, but I  have my smores in there, and they’re getting cold.” Deadpool said to me.
Deadpool’s locker was so conveniently  placed right next to mine. And since I’d zoned out and was partially leaning on his locker, I was preventing him from opening it. 
After he said that, people in the halls started to snicker, when I realised I was staring intently at my crush, I got embarrassed and stormed off.
I’ve only ever had one crush so far, she was one of the so-called oddballs in the school, since she has no powers. I don’t have any known powers either, which is why I thought we were meant for each other. (Even though there are other powerless students in this school)
I’ve only talked to her a couple times this semester. 
(When I was brave enough to) 
But today she actually talked to me.

“Hey Kyle!”Kelsey said, across the hallway.
I turned around and faced her,
“Oh hey, Kelsey.” I responded.
“Are you free after school today?” She asked.
I felt a tingle down my spine, and hesitated for a moment.
“Me?” I asked, pointing to myself.
“No, the wall over there. Of course you!”
I was shocked, and tried not to blush.
“Yeah I’m free.” I stuttered.
“Great! Here's my phone number, call me after school.”
She handed me a small piece of paper, then turned and walked away.
When her beautiful silhouette was free from my gaze, I opened the paper and saw her phone number written in small neat handwriting.
 I had no idea why she wanted me to call her, but I was anxious to find out. 
My final class of the day was music class, so at least I'd be able to calm down a bit. 
Or so I thought.
30 minutes passed and it was only 3:49. School ended at 4. My feet wouldn't stop twitching, and time seemed to slow down. I felt the clock above the door stare down at me as if it was going to beat me to a crisp if I moved even a centimetre. I was sweating so much that I thought it was raining. My fingers started twitching so much that I almost dropped my instrument.
Then I got lost in my thoughts. 
When the bell rang, I shot out of my daze, set my instrument down,(carefully) and darted out of the classroom. 
I headed straight outside, and shoved open the exit doors.
Then I took a nervous, deep breath as I typed her number into my cell phone. 
When she answered, she spoke first,
“Hey Kyle.” She said, cheerfully.
“Hi Kelsey.” I responded.
“What side of the school are you on?” She asked.
I looked around.
“West side.” I said.
“Right. Stay there, I'll come around to you.”
“Okay.” I responded.
Then she hung up.
She was coming. I used my phone as a mirror, and made sure I looked appealing.
Looking around, I saw her run around the corner of the school, and head towards me.
She smiled when she got closer. But my gaze turned to the disgusting creature behind her. 
It was Deadpool.
“Hi again.” She said, with a giggle.
“Hey Kyle.” Deadpool said.
“Why is Deadpool here?” I asked, trying not to sound mean around Kelsey.
“He’s driving us, is that ok?” Kelsey asked me.
“Of course.” I said, trying not to sound sarcastic.
“Long time no see, mate!” Deadpool held up his fist.
I stared at his disgusting hand. (Who knows where those gloves have been)
“You saw me during passing time.” I scolded him.
“Oh yeah, guess I missed you too much.” He said with a wink, as he put his hand down.
I scoffed.
“We should get going, if we want to get home sooner.” Kelsey said.
“W-wait, where are we going?” I asked.
“Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you-”
“We're going to ride a flying bus!” Deadpool interrupted.
“A flying bus?” I asked.
“Yeah, wanna come?” She held out her hand for me.
I blushed, then held her hand.
“Yeah, sounds fun.” I said, smiling.
We all walked to the front of the school, and walked over to a car.
It was a lamborghini.
“Hop in!” Deadpool said, pulling some keys out of his pouch.
“This is your  car?!” I asked, surprised.
“Hell yeah!” Deadpool responded.
We all got in, while Deadpool pulled out his phone. 
But I didn’t quite see who he called.
When he was done talking on the phone, he hung up and said,
“My boyfriend is coming, he’ll be here in a minute.”
“You have a boyfriend?” I asked, not wanting an answer.
“Lots actually, bug boy is my favourite.”
“Bug boy?” Kelsey asked.
“That’s one of his nicknames I gave him.” Deadpool responded.
30 seconds passed, before I saw a student in blue and red spandex run towards the car.
Deadpool immediately got out of the car, and ran around to him.
“Ready spidey?” Deadpool asked the student.
The student responded,
“Yeah, but I need to be home by 6 so I can help aunt may with dinner.”
“We should be back sooner than that, webs.”
I really didn’t know who this guy was, because Deadpool kept calling him different nicknames. 
They both got in the car, me and Kelsey in the back, with webs in the passenger seat, and Deadpool at the wheel.
“Ready guys?” Deadpool said, reaching his hand over and squishing webs thigh.
“Don’t touch me wade.” Webs said, smacking Deadpool’s hand away.
Deadpool laughed,
“Ok spidey, we’ll do it later.”
Webs flipped him off, then attended to his homework.
Then Deadpool jabbed the car key into its slot, and started the car.
“I didn’t catch your, boyfriend's  name, Deadpool.”
“Petey.” Deadpool said.
“Peter.” ‘Peter’ corrected,
“And I'm not his boyfriend.”
“Not yet at least.” Deadpool said, winking.
“Let's just go.” Kelsey said, obviously bored.
Deadpool turned back around in his seat, then started driving.

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