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As we stood in our makeshift stronghold, the other boys began to gather around us. Each one had their own unique energy, and I could feel the excitement building as they prepared to introduce themselves.

“Alright, everyone, let’s take a moment to get to know each other better,” Jace suggested, his tone authoritative yet slightly softened as he glanced around the circle. There was a coolness to him, a reserved nature that made him seem more like a leader than a friend. “We’re going to be relying on each other, so it’s important we know who we’re fighting alongside.”

Finn nudged me playfully, a smirk on his face. “I’ll go first!” he declared, stepping forward with a grin that was just for me. “I’m Finn, the self-proclaimed jokester of the group. I might not be the strongest, but I can definitely lighten the mood when things get tough.” He winked at me, and I couldn’t help but laugh, even as the others looked on with a mix of curiosity and indifference.

Next, a tall boy with tousled hair and a serious expression stepped up. “I’m Leo,” he said, his voice steady and focused. “I’m more of a strategist. I like to think things through before jumping into action. I’ll be the one making sure we have a solid plan in place.” He glanced at Jace, a hint of respect in his eyes. “And I trust Jace to lead us.”

Jace gave a curt nod at that.

“Nice to meet you, Leo,” I said, feeling a sense of reassurance from his calm demeanor.

 Then I stepped for. “Um, hi, I’m Soren,” I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m... I’m good with medicen, so i will be the medic of the group.” I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, my cheeks slightly flushed. “I’m really good at patching up wounds and helping everyone feel better when things get tough.” I offered a shy smile, my eyes darting to the ground for a moment. “I just want to make sure we all stay healthy and strong.”

A smaller boy with bright blue eyes and an infectious smile bounced forward next. “I’m Max! I’m the scout of the group. I’m quick and can slip through places most can’t. I’ll be the eyes and ears out there, making sure we know what’s coming.” He gave a mock salute, and I couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm.

“Don’t forget about me!” a voice chimed in from the back. A boy with dark hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes stepped forward. “I’m Theo, the tech guy. If it runs on batteries or has a screen, I can fix it. I’ll make sure we have all the gadgets we need to stay one step ahead.” He flashed a confident grin, and I could see the spark of creativity in him.

“Alright, my turn!” said a boy with a strong build and a warm smile. “I’m Ethan. I’m here to provide muscle when needed, but I also believe in keeping the morale high. A team that laughs together stays together, right?” He chuckled, and I felt a wave of comfort wash over me.

Finally, a quiet boy with glasses stepped forward, his voice soft but steady. “I’m Oliver. I’m not the loudest, but I’m good at finding solutions to problems. I’ll be the one analyzing our surroundings and figuring out how to make the best of what we have.” He offered a shy smile, and I could sense the depth of his intelligence.

As they each introduced themselves, I felt a sense of belonging grow within me. Each boy brought something unique to our group, and I could see how our strengths would complement one another. Yet, Jace and Finn remained a bit distant from the others.

“Now that we all know each other, let’s get back to work,” Jace said, his voice firm but with an edge of encouragement. “We have a stronghold to fortify and a world to protect. Together, we can make this place a safe haven.” His gaze was steady, but there was a flicker of something softer when he looked at me.

“Yeah!” Finn cheered, pumping his fist in the air, his eyes sparkling as they met mine.

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