Ch. 1 - The Kidnapping Day

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"If she's kept you smiling since day one, take a chance on her."

- Kirsten Corley


Celina Belov fluttered her eyes as she starts to regain consciousness, her head still hurting from the hard blow she received while she was being kidnapped.


The word was enough for her to fully open her eyes and scanned her surroundings but only to be met by utter darkness, panic began to set in when she realized her situation.

Bound to a chair that she has no idea how to be free of and an impending torture or death that awaits her.

She can't even find her voice to scream, she is still in disbelief.

All she can remember was that she was out for a jog at 6AM in Grandia Park like she always does when a man ran beside her, she did not think about the oddness of that situation at first but when they entered a trail he forcefully grabbed her, and as she resisted another man came out of nowhere and hit her at the back of her head, that unexpected force had caused her to hit the ground, and as her consciousness is slowly fading away they carried her and yanked her inside a car.

But first, why the hell was she kidnapped?

She can't think of any reason why would anyone would dare to.

She's not rich and certainly not a criminal.

So why?

She kept going in circles trying to find an answer but no avail. Her mind is blank.

When suddenly she heard the door being opened which made her heart pound expecting who is behind this kidnapping but she was momentarily blinded by the sudden surge of light inside the room. Blinking, she assessed where she is being held captive and one light bulb is enough for her to know where her captors are holding her.

And that is inside a goddamn shipping container and when she realized it, she screamed like a mad woman.

She continued to scream, and tried to free herself from being tied to a chair but her efforts are useless. She know she'll just tire herself but she don't care, she can't just be sitting here while armed men entered, aiming their weapons at her.

When she thought her lungs would collapse from screaming, Someone had splashed cold water in her direction and it was enough to make her stop and gasped for air. The cold immediately settled in making her shiver.

She is helpless. And all she can do was sob.

A screech of a car was heard outside and she saw that it made the armed men tense and based on their reaction, it doesn't take a genius to guess that someone important and scary must've arrived. Wondering who the hell is it that his mere  presence can literally instill fear on these men.

The door of the shipping container opened once again and she noticed that it was sunny outside. If she was kidnapped at 6AM and the sun is still shining now,  then only hours have passed since her kidnapping.

A man in a tailored suit appeared and as he walked in her direction the door closed behind him, and the closer he gets the clearer the object he was holding.

She swallowed hard and whimpered. He stopped 4 feet away from her and pointed a gun aiming at the center of her head, she looked at the face of the man who would take away her life.

And knew right in that moment that it is also the last face she's seeing because the towering rage and wrath that can be seen in his whole being, with eyes ready to kill, tells her that any moment now he will pull the trigger.

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