Part 11

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Y/n's POV

It's just another day at school, but the vibe feels all the way off. Teruhashi has been staring me down like I stole something, and honestly, I'm tired of it. She's mad because Saiki isn't falling all over her like every other dude. Now that he's spending time with me, she's really feeling some type of way. But she better learn quick: I don't play about mine.

"Y/n, you better watch out. Teruhashi's plotting," Saiki's voice slides into my thoughts as we walk down the hall. We got that mind connection thing going on, so we don't even need to speak out loud. It's weird, but at this point, it feels normal.

"Yeah, I peeped that," I shoot back telepathically, catching a quick glance at Teruhashi. She's fake laughing with some girls, but her eyes keep darting toward me and Saiki like she's got something slick planned.

Right on cue, Adin shows up outside the classroom. His protective energy is strong, and I already feel better with him around. Adin knows when something ain't right, and he's not about to let anybody mess with me—or Saiki. He don't even need to know all the details; he's just got my back like that.

"What's good?" Adin asks, looking between me and Saiki. He's always chill, but I know he's clocking everything.

"All good," I say, trying to keep it casual, but I can sense Saiki's tension beside me. He's not showing it, but I know Teruhashi's obsession is getting under his skin too.

Teruhashi's POV

I can't believe this! How is Saiki, of all people, ignoring me? I'm drop-dead gorgeous—everyone says so. Boys be tripping over themselves just to get close, and girls want to be me. But Saiki? He's different. He's supposed to be mine! So why is he spending all his time with Y/n? What's she got that I don't? She ain't even trying to impress him! I don't get it!

But I ain't about to let this slide. If Saiki won't come to me, I'm gonna make sure Y/n gets out of the way. One way or another.

Saiki's POV

Teruhashi's been doing the most lately, and I'm over it. She keeps trying to force her way into my space, but it's exhausting. Now that she sees me hanging with Y/n, it's making her go even harder. Y/n's strong—her powers are impressive—and we work well together. But Teruhashi's wild jealousy is making everything more complicated than it needs to be.

"Don't trip," Y/n's voice pops up in my head as we keep walking. "We've been through worse."

She's right. We've handled plenty of tough situations before. But this feels different. Teruhashi's desperate, and I can tell she's not gonna stop until she gets what she wants.

Adin being with us is a relief, though. He might not know about our psychic abilities, but his instincts are always sharp. If Teruhashi tries something, I know Adin's got Y/n's back—and mine too.

After School

We're walking home—me, Y/n, and Adin—when I feel it: Teruhashi's energy. She's tailing us, and I can sense her frustration, her desperation. She's planning something, and it's not good.

"Stay sharp," I warn Y/n telepathically. "She's close."

"I know," Y/n replies, calm but on alert. "She's not gonna let this go."

Adin looks over, sensing the shift in the air. "What's up?"

"Nothing we can't handle," Y/n says out loud, flashing him a quick smile. But I can see the tension in her eyes. Teruhashi's been wildin' lately, and it's only a matter of time before she makes her move.

Teruhashi's POV

I'm watching them from behind a tree as they walk away together—Y/n, her brother, and Saiki. Why are they always around each other? It's not fair! Saiki is supposed to be mine! But I've got a plan. Y/n won't be in the picture much longer, and Saiki will see that I'm the one for him. He just doesn't know it yet.

Y/n's POV

I can feel her watching us, plotting. She thinks she's slick, but she don't know what me and Saiki are capable of. I catch Saiki's eye and nod. We've got this.

As we turn the corner, I brace myself for whatever Teruhashi is planning next. One thing's for sure: she's not ready for what happens when me and Saiki team up.

✨𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖏𝖊𝖈𝖙 ✨ (𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖝 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖋𝖊𝖒 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)Where stories live. Discover now