Episode 4: Oh, My God

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Steve landed the ship at his farm everyone got out and flew to their houses. Everyone said goodbye and Tom went over to his tree to keep working on his reactor, or whatever. I stood by Steve. "Did you want some help with the balloon?" I asked.

"Oh, sure mate." Steve said. We each grabbed a rope on the balloon and pulled it down. He deflated the balloon and dragged it back behind his barn.

"Alright, if you ever need me, I'll be at Tom's." I said turning to walk away.

"Hey Night, you want to come to the Outback with me?" He asked.

"Oh, sure. Do you want anyone else to come?" I replied.

"Oh yeah, bring Syndi too." Steve said.

"Right, I'll be right back." I said. I ran to go get Tom. "Hey Tom. Steve wants to take us to the Outback."

"Really another adventure?" Tom asked looking up clearly annoyed with someone or something.

"I don't know, but Steve sounded like he was rather excited." I said.

"Right, then. I'm coming. I'll tell Wag to come along as well because who doesn't need a wizard on an adventure," He said.

Tom pulled out a phone and typed something in. No less than a minute later did Wag appear out of thin air. I stared at him confused a tiny bit.

"Wizard shit!" He shouted. We laughed and walked over to Steve's house.

"Oh, I see you brought the Wizard with you." Steve said bitterly.

"Nice to see you too Steve." Wag said.

"Oh, don't be like that you know what you did." Steve said, obviously salty about something.

"Well, it was your fault." Wag said defensively.

"No, it was Tom's fault. He gave me the advise." Steve said pointing at Tom.

"Hey don't bring me into this." Tom said. I coughed.

"Uhm. Hi. Are we gonna go do this thing or, not?" I asked.

"Oh yeah sure mate." Steve said suddenly changing his mood. "Follow me."

Steve started flying in the direction behind his house. We followed behind, me and Wag slower than Tom and Steve, but we were still all in a group. "What's this mission for anyways?" Tom asked from beside Steve, and in front of me.

"Well mate, Dianite learned that he had gotten a new follower." Steve started to explain.

"Oh really? Who?" Tom interrupted.

"Well, if you'd let me finish..." Steve said.

"Right, sorry." Tom apologized.

"Anyways, Dianite learned that he had gotten a new follower, who had just landed here in the world for some reason, and Dianite wanted to meet this new person, and well, I guess he wanted his other followers to meet her too." Steve explained.

"Wait what?!" Tom shouted.

"Midnight's a Dianitee and Dianite wants to meet her. Get with the program Tom!" Wag shouted.

What, how would Dianite know that? I thought to myself. Well, I guess he is a god.

After five minutes of flying we made to a desert. "Welcome to the Outback mates." Steve said. We landed just outside a small town. We stood there for a few minutes, just staring at the city. "Right, so Dianite still doesn't have his body yet, but he still wanted to see us."

"Did he say where?" Wag asked.

"No. He just said to bring Dianitees to the outback." Steve replied.

We stood there for a while waiting for something to happen, but what could happen in the middle of the desert? Suddenly a the ground beneath us shook and it parted, leaving an opening in the earth. We fell into the hole, screaming.

We had landed in a small water pond. I looked up. The opening had closed. It was dark and you couldn't even see your own hand in front of your face.

Out of nowhere, tourches appeared, illuminating the cave. There were stone and ores everywhere. We almost had to restrain Tom from mining them all.

We got out of the small pool and walked further into the cave. As it went on, netherrack started to form. We were walking for a while before the whole cave looked like the nether.

The cave ended abruptly. "Well that was a bust. Come on lets go." Tom said turning to leave. Lightning struck a few pieces of netherrack in front of us, which lit it on fire. Wag grabbed Tom's collar, so he couldn't leave.

"IM SORRY DIANITE! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Tom shouted, turning back around.

"Its all right Syn. Thank you Steve for bringing everyone here. Cassidy step forward." A deep voice said. I'm assuming it was Dianite.

"Cassidy?" Everyone asked in unison. They all looked at me. I gave a small smile and waved.

I stepped forward to where the netherrack had been lit aflame.

"Welcome." Was the singled word that echoed through the cave. "Today we have gained a new follower, one that shall swear to be loyal, one that shall swear to be true, one that shall swear to always be with you." Dianite chanted.

"One of us! One of us! One of us!" The other shouted behind me. Suddenly, I was picked up off the ground and surrounded by flames. I let it happen even though I didn't know what was happening.

I felt a tingling sensation all over my body as I changed. I didn't know what was happening. Everything was Chaos. "One of us! One of us! One of us!" They shouted louder. Pain spread through my body and I shouted out in agony.

In one moment everything ceased. The noise, the pain, the agony. But I was somewhere else. I was floating in an empty space, that was a mahogany colour. A red beam shot in front of me and I couldn't see a thing. I shielded my eyes, to avoid becoming blind.

Once the blinding light had dispersed a red aparation stood in front of me. "You have become one with them. You must promise chaos and mischief." It said.

"I promise chaos and mischief." I blindly agreed.

"Good, now join them." There was another bright light and I was transported away from wherever that was.

It had appeared that I had fallen on the ground. I brought my hand to my aching head. Tom and Wag ran to me and helped me up. Steve kind of just stared at me. "I'm one of you." I said before falling into a world of blackness.

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