The Answer Arrives

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Several months later, I was in the library with Ron and a returned Dudley, when Hermione showed up, carrying what looked like an incredibly old book, saying "I've found out about Flamel and what else he's known for" "well Hermione, let's hear it" said Dudley. So, Hermione began "Nicholas Flamel, is a noted French alchemist and Opera lover, aged 671 and is the only known maker of...THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE!!!!!!!" "the What?" said Dudley, and Hermione elaborated, saying "the Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance that resembles an uncut ruby when solidified, and while there have been many, many reports of this stone over the centuries, but the only concrete stone that current records know of has been made by Nicholas Flamel, noted alchemist and opera lover, and this substance, from what his research and making of it has shown, has been shown to have the capabilities to make gold from plainer metals and cure any disease, and it also produces the elixir of life, a gold liquid which makes the drinker immortal" "so, we know what he did, and that, since this book looks old, and he's six hundred, then he must have lived off of his elixir from the stone to be so old" "so" Dudley said "the stone must be the contents of that parcel that Hagrd picked up for Dumbledore last summer, but why on Earth would someone want to steal it from a school of magic that is supposedly also the most secure place in the entire Wizarding World?" "well, maybe the person who's planning to steal the Stone was a follower of You-Know-Who (I meant Voldemort), since I've heard that he gathered practically an army of followers, and this one wants to steal it from Hogwarts on his boss' behalf" "that could be" said Dudley "but why would You-Know-Who want it?" "well" I said "from what I've been told by multiple sources about how I defeated him, he seems to have lost his powers when I defeated him, and so, maybe he thinks that the stone is his ticket back to power" "well, it seems like it" said Ron "I mean, if I was a major wizard terrorist and cult leader who was defeated by a baby that I was trying to kill ten years ago and then I lost my powers and was forced into hiding because of it, then I would definitely want something like that Stone to restore me to power so I could continue my nefarious plotting for world domination" "indeed" said Hermione, and so, we had many of our questions answered, but that only opened up even more questions, like, who was the inside man looking to steal the stone? Where was the stone hidden? And what does the Mirror of Erised have to do with any of this? We already knew the answer to one of the questions, the stone was hidden under the trapdoor that Fluffy was guarding, but that only further opened the Pandora's Box of questions, so, we decided to go ask Hagrid again, we went out to his hut, and told him that "we're here because we think that there's someone in the school looking to steal the Philosopher's Stone, and we just thought you should know" Hagrid was at first surprised by this revelation, but then told us "RELAX! Fluffy isn' the only thing that's protectin' that Stone, the rest o' the staff put up a whole bunch o' other obstacles an' traps an' other things like that, meanin' that stone, is to'ally safe!" but, we had many doubts as to the legitimacy of this claim, so, we decided to take matters into our own hands.

That night, Dudley went onto his computer and made a little something that he told Ron and Hermione that he was saving for later, but for now, we had bigger fish to fry, and I'm not just talking about our end-of-term exams, you see, there had been multiple reported cases of Unicorns turning up dead with their throats cut open in the Forbidden Forest, usually with very little blood found around them, so, Hagrid was sent to investigate the problem further, but, he decided to bring us along to help, as we had previously helped him smuggle a baby Norwegian Ridgeback dragon named Norbert out of Hogwarts, so, we went out to the forest, and followed the Unicorn tracks, but soon, we heard something coming through the bushes to our right, I whipped my head around and got my wand out, only to see a creature with the upper torso of a man, only it was covered in short, fine horse pelt, and his eyes were set farther apart on his head than normal, and he had flowing hair that went all the way down his body, but I soon saw that he had the lower body of a horse, and was wielding a wooden bow with a quiver of arrows on his back, and then Hagrid told us "this is Ronan, he's a Centaur" Ronan snorted like an actual horse, and then said "Hagrid, I trust you are looking into the Unicorn deaths" after Dudley confirmed this for him, he said "well then, follow me" and he galloped off into the forest, and we went after him, when we finally caught up to him, he had stopped in front of a line of three tall trees, with his bow at the ready, and an arrow pulled back, saying "we must be getting close, I can hear a Unicorn braying in distress ahead of us" so, he shot an arrow into the clearing, where it seemed to get stuck into the trunk of another tree, then, he trotted into the clearing, to find another Centaur looking up at the sky with a spear in his left hand, Ronan then stamped his hoof, causing the other Centaur to turn to him, and say "greetings, Ronan" Ronan then said "well, hello Bane" as he got the arrow back and then, he asked "any news from the stars" Bane then looked up at the sky again and said "Mars is bright tonight" Hagrid then said to us "never try an' get a straight answer out of a Centaur, ruddy star-gazers, aren' interested in anythin' closer'n the Moon", which told us that the Centaurs love stargazing to predict the future, then, the two centaurs continued to follow the Unicorn trail, and we followed them, then, they stopped, and heard a braying noise, as if the Unicorn was in distress, so, they decided to tread carefully, Dudley was getting nervous, but then, a Palomino centaur burst from our left and said "the Unicorn killer is behind those bushes, follow me!", so, we followed him, then, he held up his hand, and we stopped, to see a man in a black cloak slitting a Unicorn's throat with a hunting knife and drinking the blood from the wound, then, Ronan fired an arrow at the hooded man, which grazed his arm and hit a spider on the ground, pinning it to the forest floor, at this, the hooded man fled, then, we went off to inspect the body, and the Palomino, Firenze, said "so, they are drinking Unicorn blood, this is not good, drinking the blood of a Unicorn will sustain your life, but as a price, your life will be cursed", "hm," thought Dudley "they're mauling Unicorns to sustain themself, but they probably have no awareness of the trade-off of doing this" later on, the Unicorn corpse was added to the cork board, and we were left to continue planning for when we would get the Stone from the thief, but that would be nothing compared to the reveal of his identity

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