Chapter 2-Snacks

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Hello! I'm not that good with writing stories shared out to the public, I don't really write stories that much at all... But I hope that this story catches your eye, I will update it frequently, but I may go on some quick breaks here and there. There also might be some grammatical errors and situations that some people may be uncomfortable with, so I will put warnings at the start of the story!
(The characters might also not match their EXACT personality and canon character, but remember that this is an AU! A STORY !!!!)

Have fun reading this, and enjoy!

This Chapter includes: Profanity, perverted thoughts




After me and Sprout escaped that floor, we decided to end it there for the day since we found a ton of goods already.

We left and emerged back up to the lobby, where most of the other toons were, but Sprout and I still stuck together. I was going to go over to a few just to say hi, but Sprout just clenched my hand tighter.

I don't blame him, though.

After seeing all of those twisted beings of our friends, I would be scared that a close friend of mine would get hurt too if I wasn't paying attention.

"...Hey! We made it out alive, props to us."
"Hehe, yeah... That was pretty scary."
"Yup. Not with me, it's not. Totally."

I chuckled at Sprout's obvious sarcasm and shook my head a bit, gradually forgetting about the whole scary situation they were just in moments prior.

We walked up to Dandy's shop and placed down the goods, watching him inspect it and mark the amount.

"...Meh. Good enough. What floor did you two get to?"
"15, Dandy. We got to floor 15."
"Man.... I expected a bit more from you two, but oh well! There's always a second time."

I looked up at Sprout as I heard the slight annoyance in his voice, knowing that he didn't appreciate Dandy much at all, probably due to his constant lack of acknowledgment for his 'friends' who are in need of care or help, and obvious sadism.

I'm able to see the bad side of Dandy, and I can imagine it... I just don't like being so negative that much.

We both watched him grab all of the supplies and load it into a box before just tossing it below his counter and looking back over at us, tilting his head a bit and smirking.

"What? Why're you looking at me like that, Sprout?"

Dandy taunted, making me panic a little since I knew how easily irritated Sprout could get.

"Oh, you stupid lil pride flower-"
"Sprout! Come on, let's just go."

I grabbed Sprout's wrist and pulled him away from Dandy, catching a glimpse of the two sticking their tongues out to each other, making me roll my eyes at the childish act.

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