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A/N - This will be a concept for Mia's backstory. Thank you to Louisiana for the concept and details, I'm just writing it out.

Amelia Roberts was six years old when she realised that her father was cheating on her mother. She was a little girl and in a matter of seconds her life as she knew it had been flipped upside down. Amelia had always thought the world of her daddy, she was the apple of his eye and a good, loving man - or so she thought.

It had been an ordinary morning, except for one thing - Amelia had woken up feeling sick. Her mother had placed a hand on her forehead and sighed when she realised that Amelia was poorly, she didn't have time for this. Luckily, Amelia's usual after school babysitter was free, and she'd agreed to come and tend to the sick little girl, allowing her mother to go to work as usual.

Amelia and her babysitter Cecelia were close, so they played games and ate snacks on the sofa. As they watched cartoons, Cecelia nodded off, so Amelia took care not to wake her, obviously she was tired and needed the rest. At lunchtime, when Amelia heard the front door opening, she hurried out into the hallway with excitement. She knew that her father came home for lunch sometimes and she was desperate to see him. When she spotted the woman behind her father, Amelia frowned and wondered why they both looked so guilty as they stared at her. "Amelia, why aren't you at school? Is your mother home?" Her father's voice was full of panic. "I'm sick daddy, mummy's at work, Cecilia's looking after me." She'd hoped that the moment he heard that she was poorly, he'd sweep her up into his arms and cuddle her, but he didn't. Instead, he sighed with relief before crouching down and whispering "I need you to do me a favour my love, ok?" Amelia nodded enthusiastically, she'd do anything for her daddy. "Under no circumstances are you to tell your mummy that you saw me here today with my...friend." He gestured towards the woman behind him before smiling and adding "you wouldn't want to upset mummy now, would you?" With that, he ushered his companion back outside, turning back to his daughter briefly and waving goodbye.

As Amelia wandered back into the lounge, she wondered why her daddy wanted her to keep this particular secret. Why would her mummy be upset? Amelia was only little but she was smart and determined, so as she sat with her snacks, the cogs turned within her mind. Her daddy was doing something bad, he was betraying her mummy, but that made no sense - her daddy was a good man, wasn't he? Her mummy had always told Amelia that they were so lucky to have him, didn't he feel lucky to have them too?

Life was confusing enough as it was and now, Amelia had the whole world resting on her six year old shoulders. She knew her mummy loved her but sometimes she wondered why she got so frustrated with her, berating her over the littlest things. When she brushed Amelia's beautiful brunette hair, she'd tug at the knots and take so little care, it was almost as if she was angry with the little girl. She'd tell Amelia how pretty she was, but her eyes would narrow every time her daddy picked her up and twirled her round, telling her she was his best girl.

Amelia thought her mummy was beautiful and she wanted to be just like her when she grew up. She was too young to understand the concept of resentment, so when her mummy got annoyed with her she just assumed she'd done something wrong. No matter what, the last thing she wanted was to see her mummy hurt or upset, so she vowed to keep her daddy's secret. No matter what, she trusted him to keep her safe and make the right choices, so she was sure she was doing the right thing.

Wasn't she?

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