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Reece and Autumns mother had been appalled the moment she saw Amelia's butchered hair. She'd taken the young girl to the hairdressers immediately and afterwards, she'd asked Amelia who did that to her. For several seconds, Amelia had considered telling her the truth, but eventually she'd lied and told her she'd done it to herself. She could tell that the older woman didn't believe her, but she was relieved when the questioning ceased.

That evening after dinner, while she and Autumn did each others makeup and Reece played his computer game, they heard shouting from downstairs. Their parents were arguing, but the siblings didn't react, it was as if they couldn't hear it. Eventually, the front door slammed shut and as Mia looked out of the window, she saw Roger storming towards his car. Recently, she'd noticed little things that Roger did to Reece and Autumn, subtle ways he'd put them down and digs he'd make at their expense. On one occasion, she'd felt confused when Reece had asked to leave the table after dinner, clearly finished with his shepards pie. Roger had refused to let him go and insisted that he had more, despite Reece repeatedly telling his father he was full. Amelia and Autumn had been sent on their way and they'd waited for Reece to join them but he never did. Sometimes, Amelia worried about Reece, he didn't seem so happy anymore, he seemed down and put upon.

Maybe all families were more complicated than they initially seemed.

As Amelia grew that little bit older, the gravity of the secrets she'd been keeping became ever more apparent. As much as her mother resented her, Amelia began to resent her father just as much. She wanted to tell her mother the truth, but she couldn't bear the idea of tearing her family apart for good, she'd never forgive herself for that. One afternoon as she'd watched Reece play golf, Roger had started to chat to her. Amelia wasn't really sure what she thought of Roger, he clearly had a temper but sometimes he could be very personable and friendly. He'd told her that she was smart and had potential and not to let anyone make her think otherwise. As they'd watched Reece, Roger had sighed and remarked on his son's lack of enthusiasm. Amelia knew that Reece despised golf and he only played it because his father forced him to. She wondered if Roger felt disappointed with his son, they were total opposites and rarely agreed on anything.

Things weren't perfect, but at least Amelia had her safe space within the Knights home. No matter what, she had Autumn and Reece and nothing could tear them apart, she knew they'd always be inseparable. She hoped that one day, her father would change and see how lucky he truly was, no matter what she still loved him with her whole heart. Surely one day he'd realise the error of his ways and make up for his indiscretions?

But that daydream simply wasn't meant to be.

The night her father left was the worst night of Amelia's life. Her mother had finally discovered the truth, the entirety of which even Amelia didn't know. Her father had been having an affair with Reece and Autums mother and now, they were leaving together. They were both choosing to abandon their children, too caught up within their illicit affair to care who they hurt. Amelia wondered if that was why their mother had been so kind to her - was it just a guilty conscience? The woman she'd come to trust so deeply was responsible for the breakdown of Amelia's family and apparently, she didn't even care. Her own mother had sat in silence, drinking her vodka and staring at the wall while her husband packed his belongings. They'd finished their screaming match and now there was nothing left to say.

Amelia had begged her father to stay, her pleas punctuated by chest shaking sobs. Her father had repeatedly apologised, but there was no emotion behind his words as he told her 'he'd always love her' and that his leaving was 'for the best.' When he'd finally walked away, he didn't even look back before he slammed the door behind him, abandoning his little girl. The only man Amelia had ever loved had shattered her heart and now, she'd struggle to trust anyone, especially herself. If her own father didn't want her, what did that say about her?

Amelia had tried to comfort her mother but when she'd placed her hand gently on her arm, her mother had looked at her with pure hatred for a moment. "This is your fault" she'd hissed, before storming away and leaving her daughter alone and crying. That night, Amelia had wrapped her arms around herself and cried for hours, wishing for a happy family and someone who loved her properly. She wished that she'd been good enough to make him stay and wondered what she'd done wrong. As she sobbed, she came to the realisation that she'd never been anything more than a pawn in her father's games and now, she'd been discarded completely.

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