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She looks into the mirror, she sees a stranger there
A mask of meanness and a broken heart painfully laid bare
Her eyes are full of storms and her smile is full of ice
She's guarding her soul, but she always pays the price

Once she was a child, her dreams so huge and bright
Now her heart is aching, life has stolen all her light
Used, abused, discarded, in life she's learned too soon
Love is nothing but a game, a cold and heartless tune

Every touch is a transaction and every word is a lie
Defensive, hurt and bitter, she's built her walls too high
Why did you leave me? Words she whispers every night
To the father who has vanished, who used to hold her tight

Yet still after everything, when the world fades away
Mia dreams that someday soon, she'll find someone who'll stay
A love that wants for nothing, just to hold her near
Someone who will hold her, and tell her "you're safe here"

Now they call her mean, but they don't see the scars
They don't see the little girl, still reaching for the stars
Beneath all those little quips, the hurt and the strife
You will find a broken heart and Mia, trying to reclaim her life

A/N - collage created by Louisiana.

SHATTERED REFLECTIONS (TNN - MIA)Where stories live. Discover now