Part 1: The Wretched Reckoning

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This was Alia Lexon in her true form: primal and ready for vengeance. She no longer cared if she went to prison or not. Title: The Missing Black Woman. Where in the world was Ursula Diana Robinson? Could there not be any reference to Disney movies nowadays?

Her journalism career was off to a great start. Her boss, Jason February, who thankfully gave her a promotion, was more than eager to have her on the team.

Title: The Missing Black Woman

Where in the world was Ursula Diana Robinson?
No one had a clue.
There were seven distinctions , nay, several, that held onto the illness of mankind.
26 words.
How many words does a person need to know when they are in danger? Where do the black women go when everyone is spitting on them metaphorically and diametrically opposed to misogynoir? How many words could she write before prison time made her more of a bitch than she already is?

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