Chapter 3: The Calm Before the Storm

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The door to Ford's cabin slams shut as his assistant walks in. On his way to the study, he pondered on how to break the news to his friend. In the bitter cold of the cave last night, Fiddleford had been trying to think of something to say. Nothing came to him.

"Oh, yeah, sorry Stanford, looks like I didn't find anything and we're going to have to quit the research of our lives. Boohoo."

McGucket couldn't just say that! He stops in front of the closed door, sucking in a deep, yet shaky, breath. He had to be honest. Just as he was about to knock, the door swung open, and he was greeted with Stanford's grinning face, a rare sight.

"Fiddleford! Finally. How was your independent research? Did you find anything?" he inquired hurriedly, ushering Fiddleford into his study. He was practically radiating hopefulness. 

McGucket winced at his peer's excitement. Oh boy. Here goes nothin... 

"...I, uhm..." He rubs the back of his neck nervously. "...Didn't..find anything."

Stanford's excitement faded rather quickly. "Oh. Nothing at all?"

Crap. Right. The cave. He'd completely forgotten. Surely that counted as noteworthy, right? But...if he told Stanford, he would start obsessing over it, to an unhealthy extreme. He'd forget to eat, sleep... like all of the other times. Besides, the inscription didn't even have any leverage. Right? It was for the better. He wouldn't tell Ford. Not yet.

"Nope. Sorry Stanford." he mutters sympathetically, giving his shoulder a reassuring pat. This feels...wrong for some reason. It's too late to go back though...too late.

The darkness in Fiddleford's bedroom consumed him. Perhaps it was the guilt. 

"Damn it, why didn't I say anything? I'm such a bad lab partner. I don't even deserve to work with him. I don't bring anythin useful to the table. I wish I would be useful for once..."

He looked over to the bedside table, mostly obscured in the dark, a large dark lump resting beside it...wait. Something else was there. His eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly turned on a small lamp beside him. He involuntarily sucked in a breath.

His banjo. 

He reached out, to test if it was real. It was. Maybe that inscription did do something...a chill ran down his spine, and he shuddered. He took hold of it. Yes, it was definitely his. The same rough feel of it, the same old, worn-down quality. 

But...But how?

Nonetheless, this meant one thing.

Something new to investigate into.

A breakthrough.

McGucket set down the banjo, near the bedside table, shuddering again. This was all so eerie. Maybe it wasn't even anything paranormal. Maybe a stalker- Now that was absurd. A stalker was one of the least weird things in Gravity Falls. Besides, why would anyone want to stalk them? He'd figure it out in the morning with Stanford.


He hadn't failed his colleague after all. A sense of relief washes over the young man, along with a strange force, lulling him, once again into darkness. All that Fiddleford dreamt about tonight was praise and admiration. It wouldn't stay that way of course. Oh no. It would be the last decent sleep he would get in a long, long time.

If he knew what was coming...he would've destroyed the cave...with inscription beforehand. Things that would haunt him...for the Rest. Of. His. Days.

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