Chapter 3- America's Magic

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Countries gasped, while others looked confused at this. Native America? Most had assumed America had been the son of England. Though this led to many questions...

"Why did you live with England?" America froze at this one, and Russia gave him a soft smile, seeing his distraught face. America paused as though trying to find the words. He licked his lips and finally spoke.

"England killed her." Countries gasped at this, turning accusing looks at England. First, he mistreated the child, and now, killing his own mother?

"England, I'm disappointed in you." France turned away, trying not to meet England's pleading eyes.

England felt shame gnaw at him as he saw other nations turn away from him, giving him angry looks.

Off in the corner, they could still hear America whimpering.

"Right in front of me..." America mumbled, just loud enough for the others to hear.

China tried to get everyone's attention by clearing his throat.

"As ... sad as this has been, I do believe we still have a lot to get through, and we should get going." He motioned toward the thick book.

Other nations solemnly agreed, trying not to look at the sobbing America and Russia trying to comfort him.

Germany started reading, in a soft tone.

"America has magic."

This caused chaos. Though, that seemed to be happening a lot now, didn't it?

"What?" England practically screamed, reeling on the American. "And you never told me?"

"Can I see it?"

"What type?"

"How long?"

"Were you born with it?"

Questions tumbled down like an avalanche, and America was getting overwhelmed. Suddenly, a burst of lightning shook through the room, leaving nations awestruck.

"I'm sure the book will explain, no?"

Other countries nodded their heads, making sense of his words. Germany took thisashis cue to start reading again.

"He was born with his magic, as being a son of Native America, and has elemental magic, as well as talking and turning into elements. Though his power can be hard to restrain during meetings, it can also  be helpful. But not all magic is good..."

Britian still looked a little pissed, but couldn't help but watch in awe as America summoned a small globe of water,nlettig it floating the air before splattering on Canada.

"Hey!" Canada sputtered through a mouth full of water.

"So not called for!" He gave a fake pout, before breaking out in a goofy smile, which America returned. Other nations watched, cooing at the scene, while others looked over in fear.

Who knew the capabilities of his magic?

After his excitement died down, Germany continued reading.

He hasn't found his limit yet, and that's sign something, considering he has stopped volcanic eruptions in coastal countries, saved others from giant floods, and level seven earthqueaked all over the world.

Others seemed to regard the American with a new found fear.

"An idiot with magic... this will end well..." North Korea grumbled, ignoring the stern looks in his direction. He quickly ho shushed though with an over protective brother face.

America is afraid of ghosts.

This led to several bursts of laughter, teasing, and some confusion. The paragraph seemed so out of place.

"Is America just afraid of some imaginary ghosts?" China teased, cackling at the new found weakness. He gave a loud "boo!" behind America, though he didn't flinch.

England was trying to hold in a giggle, but ended up snorting, earning a angry glare from France. Dang it.

Germany quickly held up his hand thought silencing the room.

"I didn't finish." He stated, and the countries turned their attention back to him.

Because he can see them. Everywhere. And though som are sweet, not all ghosts are friendly, constantly berating him through the day. Sometimes the Axis will slip onto Germay, Italy, and Japan's bodies, scaring the poor American. Not to mention USSR...

Other nations turned a concerned glance toward America, who was wide eyed. Slowly he started backing away from the countries, until he hit a wall and panic seemed to sit in.

"They're back..." he mmumbled, causing nations to give eachother surprised glances. Slowly Russia started calming him, rubbing his back.

"They're not here, they can't hurt you..." Countries could only pickup a few words. Others tried to reassure him, but stopped when America started shaking profusely.

Slowly, the panic died, and he returned to normal.

"Sorry 'bout that!" America immediately perked up, giving a wide smile. Countries tries to return it, but were still concerned. Thye decided no to mention it though, seeing the American's fragile state.

Germany looked rattled, reading about his father, but continued reading.

America is the smartest person in the room.

All hell broke loose.

Chapter 4, done! Take that procrastination! Also, for those who didn't know, I have another book called The Real Hell is at Home. I like ot better than this one, and it has more frequent updates, so I recommend checking it out! Take care!

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