America is the World Superpower After All

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Countries looked over in shock, trying to process what they had just seen. They had never in their wildest dreams imagined America to be so scary. The glint in his eyes as he threatened Russia would forever haunt the nations.

It was steely iron will, a threat, telling all to watch out. And the way America had quickly jumped between happy and goofy and serious scared tjphe nations.

It made them wonder how many times they had been played, fallen into  a false vision the American had wanted them to see. How they had fallen into his trap.

But why would he hide it.

"The world is a cruel place, and we all have our own stradegies to survive. This is mine." America said matter of factly, turning to meet the astonished nations eyes.

Countries, though terrified out of their wits, reluctantly realized the truth in his words. That didn't mean they were less terrified of him.

"The next chapter is called Work Ethic." Only a few scoffed at his words, for the rest of the group learned their lesson about underestimating the country.

"America actually has amazing worth ethic, but unfortunately doesn't have much time because of his kids, and running the country. He works late into the night, using way too much caffeine to keep him awake. The kids and Russia often have to push him into bed forcefully."

Canada playfully shoved America.

"Coffee, eh?" America absent-mindedly nodded, his mind off trailing in world's other couldn't comprehend.

Other nations looked nervous, noticing the message about America clearly being a workoholic.

"He gets piles and piles of paper from his bosses and others. America handles international affairs and trades as well, adding a whole new level to his workoad."

Countries nodded in respect, trying to relate to their own experience, though none had it as bad.

"So you don't sleep, like ever?" Japan asked curiously, a concerned look sweeping over the American's thin figure.

"It's not that bad, but it is challenging." America gave him a gracious  smile, glad someone was trying to relate to his situation.

A country scoffed in the back of the room.

Guess who!

Our old buddy England!

"You're just exaggerating. I lived in a much harder time, full of pirates and thieves. I ruled the world back then." England sighed, dreaming of his glory days when he ruled the seas.

Several nations rolled their eyes at this, used to England's remarks.

"Well, times have changed, and America has a lot more to deal with than you ever had." The comment surprising came from China, who was glaring daggers at England.

He wasn't particularly fond of England's parenting style, raising several children himself. And more than seventy... China now knew he had wrongly judged the young country.

England's face turned bright red and spun on China.

"You will meter understand the struggles I faced, much worse than yours! England's face was flushed red a tomato, and his eyes were squinted in anger.

He opened his mouth, about to go on another rant about his glory days.

"England, could you be quiet." Germany said in a soft voice, trying not to let annoyance slip into his tone.

"You ungrateful brats! America, you will never truly understand being a world superpower, having the whole globe rely on you!"

England immediately regretted it.

So, short chapter! Sorry, complications happened, and I couldn't write! My updates might be slower because I'm working on my other book! Thank you for understanding! Also, this is a countryhumans book! There was a few mix up, and saying this book is a different TV show could get me sued! So please try to remember that! Bye!

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