Chapter 4- America's not an Idiot!

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All hell had broken loose. Strangley, it looked a lot like Los Vegas.

Some countries were in shock. What do you mean, America's smart? He's brave, sure, more like stubborn, but one of his defining traits is his lack of intelligence.

Others were trying to figure out how that could be possible. Weren't they the smartest? How could America, the obnoxious, hamburger-addicted country, be not only smart but the smartest?

Germany, of course, was trying to maintain order.

And finally, those who weren't fond of the nation, (*cough* North Korea *cough* *cough* Cuba *cough* *INCONTROLABLE WHEEZING* China *COUGHING UP A LUNG* England) had started a shouting match, that mostly consisted of insulting the American.

Russia and America also joined Germany's attempt to calm the countries down. Finally, America had had enough with the nation's confusion and havoc.

"Listen up, you douchbags! You are going to sit down and listen to the book right now. Or else." Now would be the time somebody would normally ask what 'or else' meant, but by the icy look in America's eyes, they didn't want to find out.

Finally, everyone had settled down and was now looking at Germany expectantly, though there were still some grumbles that could be heard from the audience.

Yes, you heard correctly, America is the smartest country, not only surpassing China and Germany in IQ, but also being able to read the room and people extraordinarily well. In fact, he's so smart, he knows it's better to hide it.

China's eye twitched, but the older nation kept his composure.

"What do you mean, 'read the room'?" Spain asked, confused. "America couldn't read the room if it was written on the walls!"

Here's a clip to show America's and Russia's first time actually meeting.

Countries gawker as the walls shifted to show the conference room in Moscow. Checking the calendar, France was shocked.

"2020!" Ofher nations looked wound trying to find a clue why they might be there.

"I thought you two had met before several times?" China asked, remembering the book's note.

"Not the real America..." Russia said softly, but China caught it. What did he mean by that.

Suddenly, old Russia burst through the doors, frantically looking around. He growled.

"My papers, where are they!" As Russia was searching, you could hear a small scoff from the side of the room nobody had explored.

"Who did that?" Russia whipped around, venom lacing him words. And what do you know, in the corner was America, reading over his notes.

"Why are you still here?" France asked nervously. He didn't want to see America get beat up. But America was smirking and nodded it the direction of the two past countries.

"Reading over my notes." Past America said quickly, obviously not wanting to start a conversation. Russia suddenly burst out laughing, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye.

"You want me to believe you, America, the silly obnoxious country who can't say silent for the life of him is taking notes?" Russia let out a chuckle.

Past America just sighed and looked back to his paper.

"I never asked you to." Russia leaned in, as well as the current countries and both notes his notes were extremely neat, with highlighted sections and comments.

Russia paled a little, noticing all the commemts on his speech. He never realized how he sped up the last few sentences. But somehow, America had noticed?

"Was there something else you wanted to say, or can you just go, please?" America's voice was taking on an annoyed tone, and his mouth had curved in a frown.

"Look, boy! You don't tell me what to do." Russia pressed America up against the wall, baring his teeth. America hadn't flinched and wore a bored expression driving Russia mad.

Quickly though, America flipped Russia with unexplainable strength, so the taller nation was lying on his back. America put a foot on Russia's windpipe, cutting off all oxegan, and Russia started wheezing.

America leaned in close to Russia, and the countries drew closer, curious of what he had to say.

"Don't ever mistake a mask for stupidity. Countries rely on my economy, my armies to defend themselves. They rely on me, whether they know it or not. This is a game, and I'm the dealer. The  sooner you learn to play, the better." America practically growled, and countries backed up in fear.

"Well, bye, see you next meeting!" America spung up smiling like a maniac, and promptly closed the door. But nor before saying,

"Oh and Russia, keep this between you and me, yeah?" His voice was sickly sweet.

Author time! Also, no offense to the straight people out there, but have you ever read so many LGBTQ fanfics, and then there's a one where characters are straight and you're like OMG THERE'S A STRAIGHT! That happened to me yesterday. Bye for now.

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